American Born Chatty Desis (A·B·C·D)

We Are All One Big Cousin - Mumbai Indians, Bhajans, Virat Kohli - (A·B·C·D) Sn2 Ep3

EffinFunny Season 2 Episode 3

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Episode Description:
Join us on ABCD (American Born Chatty Desi's), where we traipse through the vibrant fields of our cultural identity, picking apart current events with a dash of cheeky family rivalry in our 'Auntie vs Auntie Watch 2024.' And wouldn't you know it, Sandeep's extended clan drops in to sprinkle some personal charm into our musings.

Navigating the intricate web of family dynamics isn't for the faint of heart, but that's exactly what we do, laughing our way through familiar and eccentric practices alike. From debating the need for that ubiquitous 'junk drawer' to evaluating the politics of potential presidential candidates, we're tying together the threads of our heritage. And let's not forget the pride that swells within us as we spotlight the feats of our Desi of the Week—who else but cricket superstar Virat Kohli, whose cricket bat speaks louder than words.

So, why not let your curiosity lead the way and tune in to our little shindig, where insights and absurdity mingle like old friends at a family reunion? We've got the latest on the rumored Joe Biden WhatsApp whisper and the legal escapades of Donald Trump. Whether you're here for the sports icon admiration or the familial satire, we've got a bit of it all. Cap it off with our heartfelt thanks, served up country-style, and you've got yourself an episode that's as rich and diverse as the culture we hail from.

Show Notes for the 35th Episode of ABCD:
Sandeep Parikh X:
Sandeep Parikh Instagram:
Omar Najam X:
Omar Najam Instagram: 
The Mumbai Indians:
Foi & Fua/Gujurati Family Relations:

What's Got Us Confused #1: Ambani's throw extravagant pre-Wedding ceremony

What's Got Us Confused #2: Frog found in India with Mushroom growing on it

What's Got Us Confused #3: Cousins are disappearing throughout the world

Desi of the Week:


Producer: Anand Shah & Kaylin Mahoney
Technical Director & Sound Designer: Delvan Neville 
Executive Producers: Sandeep Parikh & Anand Shah
Editors: Kaylin Mahoney & Anand Shah 
Music by Harshal Sisodia, Jasvir Singh & Maulik Zaveri

#funny #podcast #comedy #desi #abcd #indian #desi #desioftheweek #tabletopgaming #ttrpginspiration #patreon #dnd #dndinspiration #dungeonsanddragons #nerd #nerds #nerdstuff  #chakra #chakras #chakrasystem

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Sandeep Parikh:

What. What Baby they're juiced up tonight.

Omar Najam:

Okay, hello everyone, hello.

Sandeep Parikh:

Welcome to ABCD. I am the host, but I'm going to start out by introducing my cousin from another bump and fuzzling Omar Najam, ladies and gentlemen, Omar Najam.

Omar Najam:

Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. It's very kind, it's very kind, and I would like to introduce rihanna's opening act Sandeep Parikh. I I do a 40 minute ted talk for opening act.

Sandeep Parikh:

Yeah where, I just I just talk about other ted talks oh, that's great, so it's.

Omar Najam:

Oh, I see it's a ted talk like you've never done it at the actual official.

Sandeep Parikh:

It's just review, I know I just sum up other ted talks that I love so this show you guys, this is not that this is not that opening act. Our show is ABCD. It's the American Born Chatty Desi's. It's the podcast within a live stream, because we are technically live right now within our two lives as two american born desi's. It's a pod-ducken. Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to make t-shirts for that. This is for anyone out there who, like us, are just navigating our cultural identities and just want to chat it out.

Omar Najam:

Yes, yes, yes. What have we got on tap for today? You might be asking. Well, we've got some new stories where we're going to be asking ourselves what's got us confused. Then we've got an update of Auntie vs Auntie Watch: 2024. We've got an interview with a special guest from Sandeep's family coming up. And then we've got, of course, our ABCD weekly game. This one is called We're All One Big Cousin.

Sandeep Parikh:

The inbreeding edition.

Sanjiv Parikh:

That's the title of our episode.

Omar Najam:

I did not know that was the name of the game until literally just now. And finally we get to celebrate our Day C of the week and then we close it out. But first we've got to thank someone. Do you know who that is? Sandeep.

Sandeep Parikh:

I do because I am seeing the script right now.

Omar Najam:

Oh, great, great, great, great. Well, in that case, you know that we've got to thank our first sponsor of the show, DesiQuest. That's right, it's a Dungeons and Dragons actual play series that stars me and Sandeep is set in a South Asian mythology-inspired universe built by star GM Jasmine, "that bronze gold buller with a stellar cast that also includes critical role, darling Anjali Bhimani, and Dimension 20, darling Rekha Shankar. All the episodes are out. You can watch the entire. Thing right now.

Sandeep Parikh:

Yeah. It's very exciting. The whole thing is out, it's popping off. We're getting lots of love and we super appreciate it and we're probably going to be in more places. Live like PAX. We were just at PAX East. Yep, yep, yep as you saw in our previous episode. Hopefully we'll go to more. I'm not going to say that anything's definite, but you know, if you're going to Gen Con, let's just say Stay tuned on our socials.

Omar Najam:

And also I just want to give a shout out. I won't say necessarily any names or locations, but I was grabbing a beer the other evening and a wonderful beer tender asked me, as I was ordering, are we going to get a season two? And I just thought that was really really cool, kind of like in the wild. So that meant a lot to me In the wild. It was very, very rad. So if you want to be, uh, also popping off in the wild, head over to desiquest. com d-e-s-i-q-u-e-s-t. com, or click the link in the show notes to be on our mailing list. You can also head over to patreon. com/ desiquest to become a citizen of the desi quest world and get exclusive content, like when you watch an episode. You can also get a little after show that Sandeep and I got to host along with a bunch of incredible guests. So check that all out and thank you for supporting Desi Quest.

Sandeep Parikh:

Yeah, the new little stream we got cooking is with our character artist, Voodoo Val. So she right now is making the Wanderer's Guide to Desi Quest and she's doing live art streams as she creates the entire world. They're super cool, so jump on to the Desi Quest Patreon and support them.

Omar Najam:

It's so unbelievably rad.

Sandeep Parikh:

Yes, yes yes, and on that note our second sponsor you guys, it's you guys.

Sandeep Parikh:

It's the listening audience. Yeah, it sure is. So, everyone that supported the show. We have just started up a new sort of Patreon endeavor for us at patreon. com/ effin funny, e-f-f-i-n Funny. And that's how you support this show, where I'm going to be making a movie this year. That's my hope, that's my dream. I'm manifesting it, I'm saying it out loud, I'm holding myself accountable and I'm doing it on Patreon, inviting you in on the whole process, from casting to hiring a cinematographer, to watching those reels, before I decide to hire a cinematographer to watching movies together. We're going to be doing all that on our Discord through this Patreon. So if you want to support that endeavor and us over here, then yes, please head over to patreon. com/ effin funny and throw a couple Lincolns at us. Support a couple of daisies in the creative arts we really love it Absolutely.

Omar Najam:

So with all that in mind mind, should we start the episode. I think we should all right, let's hop on over to what's got us confused. Oh there it is. There it is. Do you mind if I hit you with a question real quick?

Sandeep Parikh:

oh my god I was hoping you'd ask a question okay great.

Omar Najam:

What do what Rihanna, a glass palace adorned with flowers, custom Versace and a nighttime show starring 5,500 drones have in common?

Sandeep Parikh:

Me as the opening act.

Omar Najam:

That's right. That's right According to your opening joke. Yeah, that's right. According to my opening joke, that is a reality that we set and I cannot negate that. they also. The thing they also have in common is they were all part of the most expensive pre-wedding in indian history. How are you feeling about that?

Sandeep Parikh:

that's just the pre-wedding like yeah, it's not the wedding also took all the like, the like you know this the sangeet and the like the you know the sort of official names of those events the mehndi, the sangeet, or at least who knows. India is a widely diverse culture, but they took all those, whatever they were called, and were like let's just call it pre-wedding, pre-wedding is good enough.

Omar Najam:

So let me give you a number and then ask you a question. Rihanna was paid $6.3 million to be at the pre-wedding. How expensive do you think the overall?

Sandeep Parikh:

pre-wedding was oh, I'm gonna say 10x, I want to say it was 630 million dollars. Okay, my realistic guess I'm gonna say the entire three-day pre-wedding. Okay, that's probably the centerpiece, I'm just going to $55 million.

Omar Najam:

$55 is very expensive. Okay, you want to stick with that.

Sandeep Parikh:

Yeah, I'm going to stick with that Okay.

Omar Najam:

You're saying $55 million, which is a lot.

Sandeep Parikh:

No, you're off. By I mean, this guy is like a bazillionaire. Am I way crazy off?

Omar Najam:

Yeah, but there a limit to everything. This one costs 120 million dollars, oh my I like nice good setup good good misdirect good misdirect.

Sandeep Parikh:

I was like, oh no, I ruined the whole show yes, this is 120 million dollars yes, yes, yes.

Omar Najam:

This is because anant ambani, who is the son of mukesh ambani who is the richest person in asia I believe, with $110 billion fortune behind that name held a three-day-long pre-wedding with fiancée Radhika Merchant. The Ambani family actually owns a cricket team. This is my favorite sports name I've ever heard in my entire life. It's the Mumbai Indians.

Sandeep Parikh:

Okay, yeah, so they just took cleveland's it's yeah, it's an expat club.


It's like a mr baseball but listen, this actually does make sense, right because we have the washington nationals.

Sandeep Parikh:

Yeah, uh, we have. You know, there are, there are. I mean, I guess there's no americans, but there are kind of like the patriots the patriots, sure. So you know it. I think it sounds sillier to us because of the cleveland indians, right, right yeah it, it does it like.

Omar Najam:

When I hear that it's's so funny for us as Americans, because I hear like a team is called the Indians, I'm like that's problematic. Oh wait, oh sorry, you're in India, now I understand.

Sanjiv Parikh:

I mean I yeah, it's.

Sandeep Parikh:

It's interesting. My dad was very upset when the Cleveland Indians changed their name. He really was like that. He's like you shouldn't change the name, Change the mascot. That was just yeah. Yes, yes, like, do a picture of me and I'm like okay, you know he was upset that.

Omar Najam:

You know, people were just talking about us less yeah he just never really made the connection, I guess I don't know anyway that's amazing, it's just the football team is just Ravi Shankar's face, just on, like a billboard, amazing, absolutely amazing. And, speaking of cricket, just want to give a shout out to women's cricket. The WPL, the Women's Premier League, is blowing up right now. Crowds are sold out and they are just having an incredible, incredible season. And I personally haven't been someone who follows a lot of cricket, but now I'm kind of like I think this might be the year I jump in.

Sandeep Parikh:

I think we gotta do it, man, we gotta do it. They're playing more games in America now, and so we gotta you know, I think they haven't come to LA specifically yet, but when they do, you and I we're going to take ABCD to a cricket game.

Omar Najam:

I'm just saying that right now. Yes, yes, yes. But on the subject of the wedding, though, I got to ask you are you feeling more informed, confused or baffled?

Sandeep Parikh:

I mean, I'm not exactly sure that I was ever that confused. Like I've been to some pretty ostentatious Indian weddings and so it doesn't surprise me that the richest person in the world would be like, well, let's make the most absurdly ostentatious wedding on the planet. Like that does not really surprise me, so I'm going to stick with, I'm informed. Hey, I guess you know why. Yuck their yum. Yeah, what about you? How are you?

Omar Najam:

feeling Informed. Very straightforward, if you're going gonna have rihanna yeah, I have.

Sandeep Parikh:

No, I have no further questions your honor exactly before we move on. What's the one crazy? If money was no object, what's? The crazy extravagant thing you'd want at your wedding a pegasus okay, just like one that you construct yourself, or like an actual has to be genetically altered like Island Dr Moreau Pegasus.

Omar Najam:

Well, I don't like that. You've called it a Dr Moreau Pegasus Well, what else would? It be Wait. Doesn't that mean it would be like a person before it was a Pegasus? Oh were they all people.

Sandeep Parikh:

I thought that was just like movie poor things. You know how they're like. Okay, anyway.

Omar Najam:

Yeah, sure, okay, I want to be clear. I don't want a Dr Moreau Pegasus. I want, like, a real Pegasus that like Hercules hung out with from childhood. I want that one.

Sandeep Parikh:

Okay, so that's impossible, but fine, okay, I'll let it slide. How about you? Mine is like just a million passed apps. I think passed apps are the best part of weddings and I think we should skip the dinner and just have constant passed apps of all varieties.


What are?

Sandeep Parikh:

you saying? Passed apps.

Omar Najam:

Pasta. You don't know what a passed app is. You mean pasta. The appetizers that they walk around in.

Sandeep Parikh:

they walk around during the cocktail hour. You know, you get like four appetizers and it's always the best part of the wedding food, and then they get. You get to the meal and you're like oh, it's like just like cafeteria style food. Sometimes it's good. Did you go to a recess themed wedding? What is this?


No, they just it's never as good as the passed app. sss. Okay. Okay, okay so.

Omar Najam:

I think this is a really achievable goal.

Sandeep Parikh:

I've got great news no, no, they're the most expensive thing and I just want like an obscene amount of them oh, I see, okay, yeah yeah, a pegasus like a pegasusian amount a dr moreau level yeah, all Moving on to story number two, all right, okay.

Omar Najam:

What are we?

Sandeep Parikh:

looking at. What's the? Yeah, what we're looking at is not something out of Island of Dr Moreau, unlike what you might think. This is a frog with a mushroom growing out of it. It's not a mushroom that's fallen on top of it. It's not a mushroom that's stuck onto it because it rolled onto a mushroom. It is a mushroom growing from within its being okay. So a frog with a tiny mushroom sprouting out of its flank was observed by a group of nationalists at a roadside pond in karnataka, india, in in the first of its kind discovery. All right. So a rivers and wetlands specialist says and this is like this must be this guy's heyday, right, like his phone's ringing off the hook today he goes.

Sandeep Parikh:

When I first observed the frog with the mushroom, I was amazed and intrigued. My thought was to document it, as this phenomenon is something we've never heard of. We just wanted to be this to be a rare incident and not a dangerous phenomenon for the frog. Not a dangerous phenomenon for the frog. The species right here is known as Rao's intermediate golden-backed frog and is found in abundance in southwestern India. They're small, growing up to only 2.9 inches long. Insert jokes about sizes or don't, please don't. Naturalists watching the frog, as it moved around, changed. So the frog moved around and changed positions, but the mushroom remained perfectly in place and the group did not touch the frog as it moved around, changed like. So the frog moved around and changed positions, but the mushroom remained perfectly in place and the group did not touch the frog. This sort of means that it's definitively was growing from within it. Mycologists later identified the mushroom growing out of the frog's flank as a type of fungi that mostly grows on rotting wood from dead trees.

Omar Najam:


Sandeep Parikh:

Okay. So, and though the fungus typically gets its nutrients from dead or decaying matter, a 2023 study found that the mushroom could evolve to thrive on living plants as well, but never this Okay so here we are. What are we saying here? This is the last of us, right? That was the first thing I thought of too. Yeah, is this proof the last of us, right? That's the first thing I thought of too.

Sandeep Parikh:

Yeah, this is proof the last of us is real that's wild. So a mushroom is growing out of a frog yeah, yeah, so it's a symbiotic relationship between this frog and mushroom, because it doesn't look like, because I know that there's like some funguses that control ants or something they like right, which is what I think was, at the beginning, the reason why?

Sandeep Parikh:

I realize I know it is because it's the beginning of the Last of Us. So, yeah, this is that, maybe the beginning of that for frogs. So what do you think, man, are you like? Would you want this frog as a pet? Yeah, are you? Would you eat this mushroom? No, on a pizza.

Omar Najam:

No, well, it's part of the. So is this a thing that we could extract or is it like part of the frog? The frog is just like hey, man don't. That's me I don't know.

Sandeep Parikh:

I think they just didn't mess with it. I guess we'll have to have a mushroom watch.

Omar Najam:

What I do love about this story is that it turns out herpetologists are just like us, because they're just like what's that. They take a picture of it. They just ask their friend and they go what's that? Looks like a mushroom.

Sandeep Parikh:

If they didn't take it off or they didn't mess with it, then how do they know that's not just like a funky wart, you know?

Omar Najam:

Yeah, well. Well, I guess a mushroom expert would be able to identify. You mean a mycologist boom yeah, yeah, a mycologist, that's right, uh, this is so. And then mycologist was like look, they probably could start to take over us living creatures, including the Rouse Intermediate Goldenback Frog.

Sandeep Parikh:

Totally. I think this is yeah. Are you concerned?

Omar Najam:

No hold on. Are you concerned? Like is this going to like? Should we be?

Sandeep Parikh:

worried Like comedically. Yes, I'm concerned. Okay. For the sake of this. Yeah'm like concerned but like truly I think, like I don't know, doesn't fungal infections like happen all the time? Like athlete's foot is fungal and like that's a thing. Like we have a lot of interaction with funguses, so I'm not that freaked out. If it was like, if it was doing the whole ant mind control thing, I'd be totally freaked out.

Omar Najam:

Let me do a quick search, really quickly. Nostradamus mushroom frog Nostradamus mushroom frog. There's some stuff that Nostradamus predicted, but I don't see a mushroom frog in here. Interesting, he missed this one. Where are you at? We know where Nostradamus predicted, but it's yeah, I don't see a mushroom frog in here. Okay interesting.

Sandeep Parikh:

He missed this one. Where are you at? We know where Nostradamus is at. Are you informed, baffled or confused? I'm baffled, you're baffled.

Omar Najam:

So far, this is all just observed. So far, experts have gone. Yeah, we're looking at what you're looking at too, pal, we're in the same spot as you?

Sandeep Parikh:

we don't know that was the. That was the official dissertation on it it was.

Omar Najam:

I guess we'll also. Yeah, like you said, we're gonna have to introduce mushroom frog watch 2024 to our on-campus rotation I'll think.

Omar Najam:

I think I'll stick with confused oh my god, yeah confused well, I've got one last news story for you, if you're ready for this. Do you remember the line anything can happen when two people share a cell? Cuz from rest of development. I do now. Well, that joke is going to be a dated reference at this point because it turns out the cousins are disappearing. According to sociologists and demographers, extended families are narrowing over time due to the decrease in fertility rates. International demographic data from every country in the world showed a get ready for this 38% global decline in living relatives for individuals age 65 by the year 2095, which I believe is us.

Rajiv Parikh:

Yeah, at least one of us. I'm not that long.

Omar Najam:

You're pretty young. The sort of composition of this is a couple of things, but what they found is that, for example, canadian data projects that the average Canadian 15-year-old girl will have just 3.6 living cousins in 2095, compared to 15.3 in 1950. This is a 76% decrease.

Sandeep Parikh:

That's sad, that saddens me, okay.

Omar Najam:

So in general, that's a big thing to think about and a lot of this comes down to, like we mentioned earlier, fertility rates, but also people moving around the world, family branches, sort of spreading out people having fewer kids within the family unit itself. But for us, as daisies, cousins are a big thing.

Sandeep Parikh:

Big thing, self um. But for us as daisies, right, cousins are a big thing. Big thing like is this gonna mean that, like when people are like, hey, what's up cuz? Like they'll be like oh, cuz is this archaic term that meant when your brother's or your father or mother's sibling had kids, what that's great you know kind of like the origin of the word goodbye is, you know, god, be with ye people yes husband, cousin yeah, yeah, it's the new penny, farthing yeah yeah, this scares me because, well, I I guess, just because of what I know, which is like I have 14.

Sandeep Parikh:

We have 14 cousins on my mom's side together so we're right in that, in that, in that number, and we're such a close crew. I mean, that is the one WhatsApp group that I like, always try to respond to. It's the one that I actually care about. These are people that I would trust. I just trust like wholeheartedly with you, know, with my kid or with anything important in my life, like they are part of the reason why I know I will never go hungry. You know I will never could be destitute.

Sandeep Parikh:

I have way too much of a network, of a safety net of like cousins that we all just love each other so much I, just I. So that bums me, it scares me for my son, you know, to be honest, like well, he's okay because he's got a bevy of cousins, but just that next generation, that kind of whittling down, that's kind of a bummer. He's got a lot of cousins, but they're not in the same age range as him because my brother's way older. Blah, blah, blah. I don't know what about you.

Sandeep Parikh:

Are you tight with your cousins?

Omar Najam:

Yeah, I am especially on my mom's side of the family. My dad's side of the family a little bit less so, and that's something that I'm going to look to amend, but on my mom's side of the family, absolutely my cousins are like my best friends, and so when it's like a holiday, like we always call each other, my cousin was in town a couple weeks ago and I drove down to Anaheim at like the drop of a dime because it's like let's get dinner and we just like hung out and talked. It's like you have this connection. But also, since it's not like a daily friend thing, you also get to like I don't know check in with each other, get like a different perspective on the world.

Sandeep Parikh:

You can be like hey, I really need to have a talk with you about like shit that's going on my in my world because, like, they can be somewhat impartial, but also they know all the players you don't have to like spend all this time being like okay, so this is who foy is, this is who, like you don't have to like go into the thing. You're just like, yeah, yo, I'm having this experience and they, they can be right with you. That's. It's so huge. I just don't know what I would do without that yeah, this is so.

Omar Najam:

We'll have to figure out a solution. Can you think off the top of your head what is a like? Should we maybe have a program where you can just like people need to breed dude?

Sandeep Parikh:

like, but? But also we need to create a sustainable society, you know, a functional, a system where people can support themselves and like actually support a family, I mean I think that's you know chats going off right now about like who can, who can afford to have more than one or two kid, like yeah there's some jokes going on about it, but I think it's true, like it's a big deal for us, like we only have one, and I know that a huge reason why we have we don't have more is is that we're like this is I.


You know I'd have to change my career at this point to have more kids I'd have to stop doing abcd, unless you get on patreon right now, if we hit this goal, I will have another kid talk about bringing a baby to a pitch meeting.

Omar Najam:

That really listen netflix.

Sandeep Parikh:

If you buy this idea, I will. I will spawn another child, yeah, well I have a possible solution.

Omar Najam:

You know, if, if society can't change to allow for families to be supported by society in the same way, which is, I think that I'm going to create an ai that can replace cousins. So, for example, give me just, you know, any complaint, you any ambiguous complaint you would kind of give to a cousin, and I've got.

Sandeep Parikh:

I'll tell you what the ai response would be yeah, like, oh my god, can you believe that we hired photographers for this wedding? But you know, sorry, subash mama, I'm calling you out, but subash mama, was like standing up and taking pictures the whole time, anyway, and like getting the photographer's way okay like oh gosh, I was setting this up for a joke like I love them.

Omar Najam:

I love them, but come on my canned response was the ai was gonna spit. Well, you know how uncle can be.

Sandeep Parikh:

So actually I think this, I think this might have some legs wow, nailed it, nailed it yeah okay, this might work, this might work what are you gonna call it cuz, cuz, cuz in gpt chot, gbt chot, oh, chot like yeah I like it yeah, that's brilliant you did, thank you I'm sure it's a joke that's never been made, ever before I think it hasn't, and I think you should make it, and I think microsoft will give you four billion dollars for it.

Omar Najam:

Oh, I don't want it. No thanks, all right where are we at? Confused, informed, baffled. I'm personally, I feel a little, I'm concerned, but I feel informed. I wasn't aware that the cousins were going away.

Sandeep Parikh:

Yeah, I'm informed by this. I wasn't aware either, and let's do. We got to do something about it, Guys start shdupping by this. I wasn't aware either, and let's do.

Omar Najam:

We gotta do something about it guys start stopping, okay, and then tell your family members to do the same. I guess it's a pretty specific issue we're dealing with right, that's the thing is, you don't have to.

Sandeep Parikh:

You don't have to have pressure to have kids yourself, just pressure your siblings to have kids yeah, that's what it is, yeah all right. Well, that is what's got us confused.

Sandeep Parikh:

Next up we've got a pretty interesting interview, but actually a montage of interviews. Oh, all right, so here's what we're doing. Instead of an interview I decided to. On the topic of cousins, I decided to send a prompt out to all of my cousins asking them hey, what's one thing you're doing to pass the culture down or to celebrate the culture, some part of the culture that you're taking on and continuing to do, and then what's one thing that you're ditching? Um, and so here are their responses.


Hi, I'm Nayan Sandeep's cousin, and the one thing I'm going to take forward of our culture is Indian classical music Listening to it, playing it, celebrating it and that's Ken, my partner, playing my sitar in the background. Whoever's playing it, we both enjoy it so much. One thing I'm going to leave behind is incense. I don't ever need to have any of that in my house, ever.

Rajiv Parikh:

Hi, I'm Rajiv. I'm Sunneep's older brother. One thing that I'm carrying forward is I go to India every quarter and whenever I go there I try to reconnect to some Indian heritage place. We went to Sri Lanka and we went to Ravana's palace just a little while ago. So I try to capture some part of that history because it helps connect me back to this amazing culture. When it comes to something I leave behind, I'd say it's a lot of the ceremonies. They're fun, they're interesting, they're good to do every now and then, but every day, even every week or every month, maybe not much so, but anyways, I love what we have. It's an incredible culture and I love introducing other people to it and I'm really happy that I am born the way I am.

Sanjiv Parikh:

Hey everyone, I'm Sanjeev, I am Salim's elder brother. The one thing I would remove from the culture, not the things themselves, but, I think, the guilt associated with it. So things like not vegetarianism but vegetarian guilt and yoga guilt, meditation guilt, gupta Pajama guilt. I think that color clothing is too loose for me, but the one I'm going to pick is a subset of the yoga guilt, and that's breathing. Because I don't know, I thought that was the one thing I could, with all the stresses in life I could just leave for granted is breathing, but apparently not. No, I have to breathe a certain way and get my thumb here and exhale a certain way and inhale all this stuff. The one thing I keep are the stories. My favorite is the Mahabharata. It's, ironically about two families fighting each other, but there's there's so many great themes that that come out of it. It's one where I'm just constantly thrilled and I'm hoping that story really gets, gets told, come out, actually have a screenplay that I've been working on and it's going to be great.


Hi, I'm Aditi Sandeep's cousin and the things I'd like to carry forward about Indian culture are Garba and Ross, for sure, and also singing bhajans to my kids to sleep.


That has been a surprise to me because I didn't think I even remembered the songs that were sung to me at bedtime many, many years ago. And here I am singing some of the same songs and filling in the gaps where I don't remember the words to my own children at bedtime and, lo and behold, they actually have memorized them. And then when they ask me what it means, I really don't have a good answer. But at least the kids know the pigeons and shloka. And one thing I'd be happy leaving behind is shaming Indian girls about their body hair, because you all know we've got it and we go through great pains to get rid of it, to make it seem like we are hairless beings, and it's not true, except for maybe a lucky few. So I hope that this next generation and generations forward can just embrace what their mama gave them and their daddies gave them and just be confident in themselves and not feel like the world is judging them for having body hair.


Hi, sonipa, this is Parin, your cousin. One thing that I want to make sure that the kids have instilled in them is a real appreciation for my mom, their ba, and so we go to visit her every couple of weeks, and one of the things she loves to do is cook for them. Her love language is definitely food, and so it's been really special to see how the kids over the years have really embraced my mom's cooking, and they rarely eat vegetables outside of going to my mom's house for dinner, but they will eat all the shaksh. One thing we've left behind I would say not necessarily intentionally is overall Hinduism and not imparting so much the stories that we grew up with with Krishna and Ram and Sita and Radha, the stories that were important to us. That's something that's kind of being left behind, I think, with me, and not necessarily so overtly, and is something that's faded away over time.


Hi, this is Chetan. I'm Sandeep's youngest cousin, faded away over time. Hi, this is Chetan. I'm Sandeep's youngest cousin. One thing that my partner, yuvram, and I hope to carry forward is the beautiful tradition of festivals. Yuvram comes from southern India, I'm from Gujarat, northern India, and so we have a lot of festivals that are part of our heritage, including Diwali, the Festival of Lights, pongal, which is New Year in the South, Navratri, which is a nine-day festival of dancing, and Hori, which is the festival of throwing colors at each other. One thing that we hope to leave behind is gendered traditions, so things like women can't go to the temple when they're menstruating, or things like when a father passes, the woman has to wear patterns for a certain period of time. So, yeah, I mean I think it's just there's a lot of gender things. Even for us, in our wedding ceremony that we're planning, we've tried to be pretty intentional, working with the priestess on choosing those things that feel more egalitarian and don't carry forward things that are sexist.


Hi, I'm Shailen Suneep's favorite cousin, or so he tells me. Hi, I'm Shailen Suneep's favorite cousin, or so he tells me. Our family loves Raksha Bandhan, an annual celebration between brothers and sisters. Sisters wish a long, healthy life and give their blessings to their brothers. The brothers vow to protect their sisters. Nowadays that protection is in the form of a gift. We're really not carrying forward many of the religious rituals of Hinduism, mostly because we don't understand them. They're in Sanskrit or Hindi and a lot of times they seem not as relevant to our way of life. But we do appreciate the Hindu philosophies, so we do follow that.


Hey, this is Shyam. I am Sandeep's cousin, and one of the things about Indian religions that I like to keep is actually bhajans, or Indian prayers. One of the things that we like about them is kind of the soothing nature of them, the repetitiveness, the rhythm. They're really just fun for our kids. One of the things that I probably want to stop doing too much is actually visiting relatives' households just for the sake of saying I did it, and it's a really interesting Indian tradition of saying, hey, you got to come over my house, so you got to stop by and say hello. It's like, hey, if I have the opportunity, I will, but just for the sake of stopping by. For just traveling and visiting for no apparent reason really isn't needed as much anymore. I think we have really good digital technologies and Zoom, and if you go to India and you travel all the way out there and you just spend the entire time visiting a bunch of houses and not really enjoying the environment around, it's kind of not as thrilling. Yeah, thanks sing it you sing it.


Okay, how about we sing it together? Can you sing it together? Yes, yes, sati.

Sandeep Parikh:

Oh my God, oh my God, oh my god I actually dozed off because they sung me to sleep, so it was so sweet and peaceful I was.

Omar Najam:

I was wide awake. What a, what a talented family you come from.

Sandeep Parikh:

That's crazy yeah, they're not bad, they're, they're, they're. Yeah, I I quite enjoy them. We just had a big cousin's reunion, so it was lovely to also get this together and then to hear my little niece singing was the best.


That's so great Sleepy.

Sandeep Parikh:

Bhagavan, the sleepy one. So, omar, I wanted to ask you what of those, maybe what was your favorite of the like keeping things going forward and and ditching, or the ones that most resonated with?

Omar Najam:

you, it would probably be the festivals, and it's just been on my mind lately of just how important the festivals are and festivals that are not like also like steeped in just consuming things, like going to Walmart and like coming together and doing stuff together. I think that's really important, and specifically Rocky. I grew up going to Chicago once a year because, or every other year, because my cousins lived out in the, the suburbs and we would do Rocky together. So we would go to them every like even year, and they would come to us every odd year and no matter what, every year we made sure that the cousins did Rocky together.

Omar Najam:

And it's such a huge part of my life. I can't imagine being who I am without it, so that is I love that.

Sandeep Parikh:

So then I guess, shailen, you share the win with Chetan, because he picked Raksabandhan specifically Chetan said. This is going to be a big deal. I'm clarifying because this will be a big deal to my way. Hyperly overcompetitive family, all right, so who wins for the thing that you ditch?

Omar Najam:

Okay, I really resonated with the sort of thought of like let's not go to family's house just to go to family's house yes, I know that's such a big. Thing it's a lot of and it feels really fake and there's just like a lot of. I don't want to put anyone on blast, but there's like like when you go into things like that, there's a lot of trash talk on the drive over and a lot of trash talk on the way back and do you know what I mean?

Omar Najam:

objecting yourself to gossip, and yeah, it's, it's a hundred percent, just like I wonder how it's gonna be this time. And on the way back I'm just like I can't believe that person showed up or whatever. I like the idea of our generation, kind of I don't know pushing that a little bit, evolving a little bit, where we are?

Sandeep Parikh:

I think we're, aren't we the like? We'll meet you at the. We'll all get together at a restaurant or a bar. Yes, and that's fine. You don't have to come over to every single cousin's house.

Omar Najam:

We don't want to clean. We don't want to force someone else to clean. We also know we're all brown. We know that we've also stuffed everything in drawers Like. We know this, so it's, we know it's not Our.

Sandeep Parikh:

sleeping under the rug is the random silverware drawer. The random silverware drawer, like the one drawer, we will not let anybody open in the kitchen.

Omar Najam:

Yes, yeah, when families talk about the junk drawer, I'm always like you mean you won yeah.

Sandeep Parikh:

I mean, mine is like probably 80% Taco Bell packets, sauce packets, at least in my parents' house. Okay, that is amazing. So Shyam, who is technically my cousin-in-law, I guess, depending on how it goes, you get that point there. So congratulations to you guys. You guys have bragging rights at the next reunion.

Omar Najam:

But amazing, amazing competitors, amazing contestants.

Sandeep Parikh:

Y'all did great. Okay, through and through, y'all win a participation award.

Omar Najam:

Well, that wraps up our discussion about cousins.

Sandeep Parikh:

Just in time for Auntie vs Auntie Watch 2024. Yeah, that's right, it's our segment where we track the 2024 US presidential election to see just how close we are to achieving a presidential race between Democratic Auntie Kamala Harris and Republican auntie Nikki Haley. And I know the primaries are over. But reminder, well, first of all, they are both technically aunties, they're at least part Indian. And reminder Donald, old Donnie there facing I don't know, I think approximately 7 billion indictments, and so he could be off the ticket. And then, joe, he's a malarkeyed heartbeat away from being reincarnated. So no, it's unlikely, and I don't wish it upon him. Okay, I'm not saying that it's unlikely, it's possible that Auntie versus Auntie could happen.

Omar Najam:

What's our current status, omar? The last we checked in was with Anjali Bhimani, a friend of the show, anjali Bhimani, and in discussing with her, it's brought us up to 11 o'clock, with midnight being the farthest from auntie versus auntie watch 2024. It's a very confusing scale. Do we want to change?

Sandeep Parikh:

it. Yeah, we're gonna switch it up. We're gonna make it percentages okay, okay, great so that's, she put it 30 minutes back of a 24. Let's say yeah 24 sections30 minutes.

Omar Najam:

That's approximately math percent oh so this is supposed to make it easier. Okay, great.

Sandeep Parikh:

It's 5% roughly. Yeah, roughly, 5%.

Omar Najam:

Oh, so we're building up to Auntie vs Auntie, watch 2024. Yeah, Okay.

Sandeep Parikh:

So right now we're at 5% Right 5% chance that it'll be an Auntie-off yeah.

Omar Najam:

Now, do we have any updates that might push this up?

Sandeep Parikh:

Here's the latest that's going on for Mr Trump.


All right.

Sandeep Parikh:

Storms are coming right now.

Sandeep Parikh:

His first criminal trial for his hush money that he paid to Pornstar, or allegedly paid to Pornstar, stormy Daniels, has begun begun, so he has, of course, pleaded not guilty to all 34 counts of falsifying business records related to this 130 000 payment he made to adult films actor stormy daniels at the end of 2016 election cycle to keep her quiet about the fact that they were stupid. The former president, of course, has denied the allegation, but this trial is happening. Jurors are being selected, like they. They did the whole thing where they tried to, you know delay and you know throw the case out and all that stuff. It's happening. And trump this is the kicker for me trump is required to be present at the trial, which can go for up to six to eight weeks, right, so that's he. He's kind of off the campaign trail.



Sandeep Parikh:

Using the trial as a campaign, but Listen, I'm an optimist.

Omar Najam:

I'm pushing this up to 10%.

Sandeep Parikh:

Okay, that's before. You've heard the Joe side. Do you want to hear the Joe side?

Omar Najam:

Yeah, I do want to hear the Joe side.

Sandeep Parikh:

This is all I've got about, joe. Okay, because there wasn't really any like health scare news or anything like that, thankfully but, literally today. I dropped my parents off at the airport and my parents were like did you hear? Joe biden is dropping out of the race.


And I was like what are you talking about?

Sandeep Parikh:

you know, immediately, my wife is like she goes on like checks the news and it's like what's happening. And then they were like see, look on whatsapp.

Sandeep Parikh:

They like it was just like a total, like infographic for fake, like you know yes information filled infographic on whatsapp that's being passed around but I'm like I don't know see like they're doing that thing again where they they attack seniors with this like garbage to like make it confusing, make it, you know, disillusion them a little bit. I'm not exactly sure what this tactic is, but it worked on my parents for at least six to eight hours until they told us about it. So that's what I have on the Joe side.

Omar Najam:

Okay, so I was at 10. You updated me about this WhatsApp situation and because it's your parents, in honor of them, I'm actually pushing it up to 11 situation. And because it's your parent, in honor of them, I'm actually pushing it up to 11, because even numbers are unlucky. In our culture, you don't give. When you give money, it has to be. It's not 20, it's 21, so I'm gonna pop it up to an 11 I love that.

Sandeep Parikh:

11 is my dad's favorite number. Actually it's technically a second favorite number. 22 is his first, I don't't know why.

Omar Najam:

Okay, we're moving on from that we multiplied it by two, obviously 11.

Sandeep Parikh:

11. I love it. I'm sticking with that. I'm with you. 11% you guys, let's see how this trial plays out and see what happens with WhatsApp spam.

Omar Najam:

And again, not 11 o'clock. We want to be clear. I know we said 11 o'clock earlier. Please don't be confused that we went back to 11. It is 11%. It was confusing before, so we decided to continue to change it.

Sandeep Parikh:

There we go. 11%, there we are.

Omar Najam:

Amazing. Well, that clears us out. Now for us to play a little game.

Sandeep Parikh:

Since we've been talking a lot about family in this episode, we're going to move into our game this week that we collectively agreed to call we Are All One Big Cousin.

Omar Najam:

For each question. Both of us will have to choose who we think is the actual cousin of a celebrity. Each correct answer will grant us a point. Whoever has the most points after the three rounds will win, and if there's a tiebreaker, we'll use that as well. We'll do that.

Sandeep Parikh:

The loser has to make an apology speech in one minute to one of the celebrity cousins that they failed to identify correctly, to describe why they're obviously related, and the winner becomes the host. Right, we're still doing that. Yeah. All right, Take it away Delvin.


All right, I'm giving both of you one point each for those explanations. That was a great job all around, amazing, amazing, I love it Amazing. All right first up Jeff Bezos is first cousins with which beloved musician, Country star George Strait, singer and actress Gloria Estefan, oh, love her. Rapper, singer and businessman pitbull, or all of the above are you joking?

Sandeep Parikh:

oh my god oh this is disgusting, I love so badly go for it that feels like it's obvious, because they just look alike. I feel like it's a misnomer.

Omar Najam:

You know what I mean. Oh, I can see that. But I think that Mr International, mr Worldwide, george Strait, I think that his family, I don't know, I get a vibe from his family and I don't get a Bezos vibe okay, yeah alright, well, where are you going?


I'm going, gloria and stefan all right, almost on gloria sundeep, where you yeah I don't know if all the above is in every single selection.

Sandeep Parikh:

That's. My concern is that it's in all of them. So I'm gonna sit up for I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say pitbull.


Okay, we're both wrong. I am so sorry.

Omar Najam:

Is it all of the above? Don't tell me it's all of the above.


No, it is country singer George Strait. I should have known that. Wait how. It was just like the most vanilla, straightforward. So when your parents, one of your parents, if their siblings have a child, then that becomes a first cousin. So that happened to your question of how I didn't know.

Sandeep Parikh:

We don't need this explanation. People in 2095 need that explanation.

Omar Najam:

I didn't know. I thought cousins grow on the side of a frog.


I had no idea.

Sandeep Parikh:

Omar's learning so much Amazing Okay.


All right, next up we still both got a point Okay, All right. Snoop Dogg is first cousins with which celeb? Rb Singer Brandi Norwood, yeah. Wwe star Sasha Banks, Hell yeah. Rapper Daz Dillinger, or all of the above.

Sandeep Parikh:

Okay. So all of the above, is it all of them? Okay, all right, all right, okay Okay.

Omar Najam:

It's hard. It's hard because yeah.

Sandeep Parikh:

Because we don't know the answer.


Or how cousins work apparently.

Omar Najam:

It's because Correct me if I'm wrong, but we don't know. We don't actually know where brandy's family came from. Right like that's the whole thing. I don't know about any of these families, dude, because I know that. I know that.

Omar Najam:

I know that brandy has I know that brandy has half sisters and then when she went to the ball she found love because she left her glass slipper and then the prince tracked her down and she's the only one who can fit into that glass slipper. She's got the most unique shoe, size and shape. Stop, oh my God. So I got to go, brandy. I got to go, brandy.

Sandeep Parikh:

The best episode ever. I'm gonna go with all of the above.

Omar Najam:

I swear to god.

Sandeep Parikh:

Who is it? One of us got something right.


That's right. There's only one slide, because this is the slide. It's all the above.

Omar Najam:

You're joking.


That is a point for Sandeep. Very nicely done.

Omar Najam:

Wait, that's insane.


All the above, brandy, sasha, taz, all first cousins with Snoop, how.

Sandeep Parikh:

Snoop's obstacles really create progeny man, Famous progeny. I mean hell of a family. There's just too much talent. Family, there's just too much talent.

Sanjiv Parikh:


Omar Najam:

Oh my god.



Omar Najam:



Obama Is tenth cousins? No. Tenth cousins With which previous US president? Is it Bill Clinton, george W Bush, donald Trump? Cousins with which previous us president? Is it bill clinton, george w bush, donald trump or all of the above?

Sandeep Parikh:

a lot of white guys. Oh god, I'm like. This is like. I'm like flashbacking to like, uh, red lion tavern bar trivia nights from like 15 years ago. Oh God, amazing Tenth cousins, aren't we all tenth?



Sandeep Parikh:

Like I mean that's like we're all one big cousin. Well, I mean, in the end we know we're all one big cousin.


I'm going W.

Sandeep Parikh:

I'm going to guess. I'm guessing because I want to do it before you do. George W Bush, you can still pick the same one, but I'm gonna go.

Omar Najam:

No, I won't, because that would be no.

Sandeep Parikh:

I'm because also you're wrong, because also you're wrong.

Omar Najam:

I'm gonna go, bill Clinton it's definitely not Trump, oh one of us got it. One of us.


It is indeed.

Omar Najam:

I hate this game Very nicely done. What Wow, is that where they exchange candy?


Sandeep, you have mathematically claimed victory in this game. Tenth cousins, not ninth. In this game, tenth cousins, not ninth or eleventh Tenth, yeah.

Omar Najam:

So if they kiss, the world ends right. That's how it is.

Sandeep Parikh:

That was at Season of Heroes, oh goodness, all right, well, loser.

Omar Najam:

I have to give an apology. Well, I feel like the only one that in the context of this it's going to be George Strait.

Sanjiv Parikh:

Is that right? I think that's right.


Okay, let me get him back up on screen for you.

Sandeep Parikh:

Yeah, do George Strait. Sure, but I think you could do any of the ones you got wrong, which?

Omar Najam:

was all of them. Just to remind you. I'm gonna do to George Strait. Okay, for one minute.

Sandeep Parikh:

I apologize yeah but, it has to be like really heartfelt and like a big thing you can't just say half-ass it, it has to be real we're gonna at him in the clip, okay.


Here we go. Here we go and Jeff Bezos.

Omar Najam:

I can't apologize to Jeff Bezos. I can't, all right, start that timer. Someone start that timer.


Okay, omar you ready.

Omar Najam:

Yeah, I'm ready. Your timer, your one minute starts now. Dear George Strait, write this down. I'm sorry. I didn't know that you were cousins. I was trying to win a game but instead I well give it away. I gotta ask when do you stop loving me? Because I don't know where you are in the world. But I know all my exes live in Texas. But I want to make things right with you because you look so good in love now don't?


rush off.

Omar Najam:

I know the cowboy rides away, but you are carrying your love with me 30 seconds and I promise you, if we make it good by tonight, we'll have I'm a real bum. Warning now, insults are easy come, easy go, but I just want to dance with you and baby's gotten good at well. Well, that one's cut off. I'm sorry, I can't see what that is, but please sit in the chair.

Sanjiv Parikh:

Ten seconds.

Omar Najam:

Because if we can just make this one night at a time, I swear to you, our oceanfront property will be seashores of old men, and every little honky-tonk bar will tell us I got a car, now run.


And that's time. Wow, thank you, george.

Omar Najam:

Classic after classic.

Sandeep Parikh:

How did people do podcasts before they had internet access at all times during?

Omar Najam:

the show. I want to be clear. I did not look any of those up oh, you memorized the whole I didn't know he was related to bezos, but I know everything else about george straight. You mean george straight, the country singer who was born in one second, the country singer who was born on may 18 1952 anyway, okay, back when people had cousins.

Sandeep Parikh:

Man, my favorite part of that was you at the start of it, telling him to write this down. An apology starts with hey, I want you to do some work, write this down. You're going to take dictation.

Omar Najam:

Okay, oh, my gosh.

Sandeep Parikh:

Well, that will take us into our last segment, desi of the Week. Our Desi of the Week is Virat Kohli. The 35-year-old cricket star, virat Kohli slams his highest IPL score on the way to a massive world record. So he came off a two month paternity break. So congratulations on creating more cousins and Kohli. He's the face of T20 cricket and he returned to the game, you know, with the bang, proving that hey, even at the age of 35, I can still knock it out of the park. I'm not sure if that's what they out of the it out of the park. I'm not sure if that's what they—out of the pitch.

Omar Najam:

Out of the pitch. Okay, in an April match, our Desi of the Week hit 113. That's his joint highest score in the IPL, on the way to becoming the first batter to ever have 7,500-plus runs in the IPL, which is absolutely bonkers.

Sandeep Parikh:

Yeah, okay, so he's got 7,579 runs. He scored 424 runs for the franchise and for the team he scored 8,000 runs, making him the first player to score 8,000-plus runs for a single team in the T20 format. And for people like us, honestly, who don't quite understand the breadth of cricket and what a big deal this is, it's kind of like watching someone break the Roger Maris' single season home run record, except that it's cricket, so it happens in one at bat, Because they just keep going until they get out.

Omar Najam:

If I may make a Bay Area comparison. He is a game changer. Like Steph Curry, his aggressive batting style changed the way that bowlers throw at him. Instead of relying solely on line and length, bowlers have started incorporating more variations, pace changes and deceptive deliveries to keep batsmen like Coley on their toes. The shift in approach has led to a more dynamic and exciting type of bowling, with bowlers constantly innovating one way to step ahead of him.

Sandeep Parikh:

See, I love when someone changes the game right. It's like you know what we're going to start quadruple teaming now that's a thing because of Steph.



Sandeep Parikh:

You know what? We can't strike this guy out. Let's try to see if the knuckleball baller can throw it from second base. See if that yeah, just change how the game works, because this guy is impossible. Maybe let the umpire throw from behind who knows?

Omar Najam:

you know, like that's kind of how about this.

Sandeep Parikh:

Oh, I gotta have an idea. Pay the umpire, that's it, just pay that's an interesting strategy there, but truly I think this is the episode that gets us officially following cricket for abcd yeah, we gotta do it, we're gonna do it you're taking us there, your patreon contributions are getting us to a cricket game and we will do a live abcd from I don't know what part of the like from the bathroom, no, yeah, from the one with, like, the single trough bathroom.

Omar Najam:

Excuse us.

Sandeep Parikh:

Those are the worst. Those are the worst. I generally just this is off topic a little bit but I have no problem with urinals, like in terms of like I have. You know, if someone wants to, I'm not worried about the spacing, but the trough is a little too. It's a little too much. Yeah, it's too much, too much on the television. All right, and that's the show.

Sandeep Parikh:

Ladies and gentlemen, as always, if you want to see our lovely faces and the VOD and other ways that you can hang out with us, all that's in the show notes and please share. Share the show. That's actually all the. Forget the comments and the blah, blah, blah. Share. Just Share the show. That's actually all the. Forget the comments and the blah, blah, blah. Share. Just share the show with someone who you think would be genuinely into this and wants to be as unconfused about their culture as we do. So that would be amazing. If you do have feedback, we would love to hear ideas for games, ideas for this Is of the Week, nominations. They don't have to be famous people. They can be someone in your family, whatever people. They can be someone in your family, whatever. We're super interested. Hit us up at abcdpodcastshow at gmailcom.

Omar Najam:

Yes, and I'm going to jump on top of that. If you want to send us any this versus that ideas we have a lot of fun with that segment Send them over to abcdpodcastshow at gmailcom and let us know an American thing versus a Desi thing and we will compare them, fight over them, debate them and one of us will lose and I hope it's not me again.

Sandeep Parikh:

I hope it is. And oh, so we did forget to do this, didn't we?

Omar Najam:

At the top.

Sandeep Parikh:

That's okay, we can do it right now. We're gonna do it as George Strait. We're gonna I like that, yep. Okay, so this is our ballad of love to our Patreons who are at the shout-out level, in the style of George Strait.

Omar Najam:

George Strait, are you ready for this Take?

Sandeep Parikh:

it away, Cindy. Should we find a song quick.


How about I just hit this and you tell me if it works? Okay, I won't be able to hear it, but you tell me if it works.

Omar Najam:

Yeah, absolutely, we got it.

Sandeep Parikh:

Okay be able to hear it, but you tell me if it works. Yeah, absolutely, we got it. Okay, let me, let's okay. Okay, all right, the song is ready, then go ahead. Hey, hello, all right. Hey, this one goes out to my cousin, cousin george straight. Jeff bezos love you, cuz, send me some money.

Omar Najam:

Joshua orion, toby m, carlo benjamin, lowe rand, hollander, michael long, raylan fox, selena b nervous rex sarah h dodeca. Good tablet for room moldy more abilities for ability zone Kathleen Schlegel to Coddy.

Sandeep Parikh:

Reverend Coutinho, brandon Pace Monroe, maxwell.

Omar Najam:

Jeremy Schwartz, hans Oslo 8-Bit Dee.

Sandeep Parikh:

Chris Sims, don't forget my boy, danny Wally. Christina Romero, zack Danny's.

Omar Najam:

Corner and Fish Legion 247, jeremy O'Brien, Astra and Brandon Bradley.

Sandeep Parikh:

And there are the gods, the top tier of all. Yeah, sing it. James Gaffney, scribbles and Flapjacks Bait in Depth, queen Bear If you're alive, stick around with us.

Omar Najam:

We're gonna critique the show Afterward. The show is produced by Anand Shah and Caitlin Mahoney. The show's executive director is sound designer is Delvin Neville. The show's executive producers are Sandeep Barik and Anand Shah. This is edited by Sean Mack, Music by Harshal Sasodia, Joss Fiercing and Malik Zaveri. This has been an F'n Funny Production, Ha ha.

Sandeep Parikh:

On behalf of our co-host Omar. I've been your host, sandeep. May your chukras be aligned and smothered In that good old fashioned. Western Southern Chutney.

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