American Born Chatty Desis (A·B·C·D)

We Made Fetch Happen ~ Pets for Kids, Pets Name Game, Animal Welfare (A·B·C·D) Podcast Ep 28

EffinFunny Season 1 Episode 28

Ever reminisce about your childhood, about the pets that shared our laughter, our tears, and our secrets? Get cozy as we ravel threads of nostalgia, talking about our Indian immigrant roots, our families' amusingly distinct pet-related anecdotes, and how pets have ebbed their way into our lives, bringing a wave of companionship like never before.

Join us as we stroll down the alley of science, understanding the heartwarming connection we share with our furry companions. Ever wonder what happens when a dog looks deeply into your eyes? Or how to establish that instant connection when you meet a dog for the first time? We uncover these mysteries and then lead you to a hilarious game of ABCD Pets Name Generator, where we guess pet names based on their photos and share their fascinating backstories. Expect lots of laughter, a bit of friendly debate, and a whole lot of pet love!

As we venture further, we unmask the intriguing world of naming pets - how their names are a mirror to their personalities, how cats influence our culture, and the whimsical reasons behind their names. Listen in as we place bets on guessing our contributors' cats' names and backstories (Spoiler alert: It involves Norse Goddesses and Bruce Campbell). We wind up with an engaging discussion on music, its power on self-expression, and connection. So, brace yourself for a hearty, laugh-filled chat that is much more than just pet talks. It's an intimate journey into our lives influenced by pets, culture, and music. 


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Speaker 1:

What Whoa? Can you believe that what?

Speaker 2:

Did you hear all those humans and their pets cheering for us?

Speaker 1:

I heard a lot of something. I heard a lot of something. I'm not sure what that was. It sounded like a cacophony of animals and humans in harmony.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's crazy that all the humans taught them to sound like people. Yeah, cheering, that's what's impressive.

Speaker 1:

But really, in a way did the animals teach the humans how to sound like animals. Who saved whom?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, who's the rescue? Who's?

Speaker 1:

the rescue. I'm the rescue. Hey folks, this is ABCD. American Born Chattie Dacys. It's a podcast within a live stream, within our lives as two American born Dacys. It's a pod ducking. But before we get started chatting about our culture, the things that affect us, our lives, our childhoods and our current futures, I got to introduce our co-host here. He's just a good boy. He's a good, good boy. He's a good, good, good boy. Who's a good boy? It's Dandi Parim, it's me, oh yes.

Speaker 2:

And I will introduce our host for this week, a man who, when he's not out in the world, chasing lasers. He's right here in this podcast booth. That's Omar Najama.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, oh my God. Folks, this is a show for anyone out there who, like us, it's just navigating your cultural identity and you want to chat it out. That's what we're here to do.

Speaker 2:

Can I just say I know you accidentally did that out of order, but I kind of like the vibe of it. I feel like we should keep that, but you know what.

Speaker 2:

On tap for today. We're going to have our three segments, as we often do. The first is our chakra check-in. We're going to talk about pets. We love them. We can't live without them. Maybe Kind of I don't know, actually I lived without pets for a long time because my family was not into pets. I think a lot of Indian families not into pets. We'll talk about that. And then we're going to get into a game where we're going to do the ABCD pets name generator. That's right. This week we actually polled our following, our lovely Discord followers and whatnot, and asked them for pictures of their pets, their names of their pets and the story behind their name. And we're going to have to guess. We're just going to see the pictures.

Speaker 2:

We're going to have to guess what their names are guess their names and I'm sure we're going to get them painfully wrong and make up really, really ridiculous reasons why we think our name is better. And then we have the Day C of the Week and that's our show. That's it.

Speaker 1:

That's it, folks, we have some wonderful sponsors here that are helping us out today, keeping the lights on for us, the laser pointers pointing. The first sponsor we got is Day C Quest. That's right, this is an actual play TTRPG set in a South Asian mythology inspired universe built by star GM Jasmine, that bronze girl with a stellar cast that includes critical role, darling Anjali Bhimani, dimension 20, darling Rekha Shankar, and two more, darling San Deep and me.

Speaker 1:

Darjeeling darlings, oh my God, folks, our trailer is up. Am I not mistaken in saying that Our trailer is super up right now.

Speaker 2:

The trailer is up. You can go to Day C Questcom for that. And we're oh man, we're about to launch some juicy stuff as we head towards our actual show launch. So things I can't talk about, so I'm going to stop talking, but I'm very excited for you to see the things that are happening. If you want to follow all those things, you can go to Day C Questcom. Sign up for our mailing list. That would be hugely helpful, and there's also merch on our website. Okay, so you can get t-shirts and stuff. All right, you can be that person that's like you're like, wait, what, what band is that? What is that? And you're like you don't even know yet. You don't even know.

Speaker 1:

No, they're better live.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you can be the ones that discovered us before anybody else.

Speaker 1:

Are you wearing the shirt right now? Am I wrong?

Speaker 2:

I actually am. I actually am wearing the shirt. Look at that.

Speaker 3:

It's so good. It's so good. I love it.

Speaker 2:

It's such a dope shirt it's for those who are listening in. It's a Mandela design, sort of a rainbow colored Mandela design with a dimension, with a, with a d20 at the center of it, not a dimension 20. That's a different job with a 20 sided dice right With that center of Fred and Lee Mulligan.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's just Sam Riesch's face. Yeah, so you can get that t-shirt for your own hot bod.

Speaker 1:

That's right, that's right, that's right. And also, if you want to support us in any other way, you can be our second group of sponsors, our patrons.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we love our, we love our patrons and do that. That's what supports this show directly. You go to patreoncom slash f and funny, e, f, f, I, n, funny and we've got multiple tiers for contribution, cool subscriber benefits, including getting your name listed in the show at the end of the show, and we're going to be singing your name in a genre of the live audience is choosing.

Speaker 1:

My God yeah, my God yeah.

Speaker 2:

Support a couple of days Season. The creative arts Help us keep the ABCD lights on. That's patreoncom slash f and funny. E F F I N funny.

Speaker 1:

We think we what number episode is this 27,.

Speaker 2:

according to this, seven run a show sheet yeah.

Speaker 1:

Pretty good, we're coming up on a. Coming up on what half, halfway of a year?

Speaker 2:

I think yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I don't know time.

Speaker 2:

I'm a I'm a okay, role. I don't. I don't know when anything started, but yeah, 27, 27 episodes in, you know our baby can, can drive, can drink, can buy porn A real rough, ian, a real 1950s rough being.

Speaker 1:

You're describing a real rubble without a cause.

Speaker 2:

It gets good insurance rates because they're 25. Right, isn't that a thing? Yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Okay, I'll stop.

Speaker 1:

So this week we're talking about pets. Should we go ahead and head over to our first segment?

Speaker 2:

I think we should All right.

Speaker 1:

Let's go to our check or check in. Oh beautiful.

Speaker 2:

Baby, pets.

Speaker 1:

Oh baby pets.

Speaker 2:

I mean, they're loyal, they're cute, they are besties in the white world.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And yet for me growing up, it was always like people had pets were strange. From the point of view of my family, it was like okay like they're like oh, Bob won't go. Yeah, he's got a cat, Should we?

Speaker 1:

like oh, I don't know about that.

Speaker 2:

Like it's like I don't know if that was the same experience for you, so I'm curious, like did you, did you grow up with pets?

Speaker 1:

We did yeah, so I grew up with. We started with fish.

Speaker 2:

That's like the gateway pet.

Speaker 1:

That's the gateway pet, because you're like it's just fish. It's just fish and my parents could be like, yeah, they don't really have feelings. It was well. He was like my mom had a cat. My dad grew up on a farm in Pakistan so he, like it, didn't really understand what, like why half pets, Unless you can't breed them for like milking or. Yeah, exactly, he's like well, there's no wool.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1:

We can't make it coat.

Speaker 2:

I keep shaving this pit bull.

Speaker 1:

It's nothing, my hair is so coarse.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this, this, this hat I made out of it is not really becoming.

Speaker 1:

Keith in. But so like my dad was never like. It was like you can get like small creatures as pets because it makes sense to him Like yeah, you're trapping a thing, so then like Like, as long as it's caged and trapped. Yeah, that's like, that makes sense, like as long as I don't have run the house.

Speaker 2:

I had, I didn't have frogs. Son, you can have a tiny zoo in your house. Caged animals littered throughout your bedroom.

Speaker 1:

Anything, anything bigger than a lizard, my dad would react to as if we were proposing Jurassic Park. Like he's just like Sam Neil. He's like you couldn't, you can't do this, you don't know, can you do this? You were too busy playing God. I was so excited to get a dog, so I had frogs and I was so emotionally attached to these frogs Amazing Cause I love frogs.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, how long does a frog last?

Speaker 1:

Well, that's funny. You asked that Son. The thing is, we went to on a road trip to Seattle and we were in a Godfather's pizza and Ricky Martin's she's all I ever had started to play on the radio and I stopped and I just turned to my parents and I went my frog just died. And I just like turned to them and I was like my frog just died and they're like what are you talking about? It was like my frog, 100% just died, I just know it. And we got back and, sure enough, the frog had passed.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, wow.

Speaker 2:

So answer not very long, they don't last very long.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, I might have gotten an old frog, it's hard to say. Also, my friend who gifted me the frogs because he knew I love frogs didn't tell my parents. So at a birthday party he gave me a cup and he was like, don't cover this. And I was like okay. And then I looked inside there were frogs and I was like, yes. So my mom's like we don't have anything to take care of these with what do you feed frogs, like lettuce and stuff.

Speaker 2:

I can't know, buddy crickets. So then to me when you have an animal that you have to feed another animal to. Yeah, I mean, like a cricket can't be a pet, but, like you know, like those little mice that people feed to their snakes, couldn't that mouse be an adorable? How far away is that from a hamster?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so after that, we, after that we got a dog. But before I embark on that, how about you? What was your growing up? Your parents were not pet people so much.

Speaker 2:

So I thought this was like a. I think this is a pretty common Indian immigrant experience or sort of first-generation experience, like my friends of course had tons of pets and then my family was like super anti. My mom is practically Zoolophobic. Like a dog comes up to her and she freezes and she can you know I got it.

Speaker 2:

I don't even know if that's a real term or a term I made up, but she's afraid of all animals and, like you know my dad, he seemed very indifferent. He doesn't yeah, he also kind of. He doesn't freak out like my mom does, but he sort of just he like will not pet a dog really that's not.

Speaker 2:

Interest. Yeah, it's like they're dirty there and you know they grew up in in Baroda or Vadodara's it's not called and it's a big city and, like all the animals there, nobody had pets there. They all had like, yeah, if you had a dog, it was like the alleys dog, it was like everyone in the in the Golikati, which is what they're from, like in the street corner or whatever it's like that's, that's the whole Block stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, and like he lives outside.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, let it in your house. It's like disgusting to them, it's like disgusting you might as well just be like walking up, you know, like cow around in your house. They just have. No, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Like so there was no concept of a pet, really yeah growing up and so when they came here, I just think they thought it was so so, yeah, so so gross. And then like and that was like pretty much prevalent in the entire community that we hung out with and like the Boston area Indians that we hung out with, like almost nobody had pets growing up. But then, like I'm seeing now this whole shift when, like you know, you know now that we're the dads and moms and that we're having kids and stuff, and like we want to have our own pets or whatever, I'm just seeing this whole generation of you know dadas and daddies and like bars and Nanas and nannies, like yeah yet like be introduced to their first pet.

Speaker 2:

Daddy's yeah yeah, and it's like kind of amazing, like I had an ex-girlfriend who had a dog and Together and my parents were like Like oh gosh, I'm not gonna want to come over as much or whatever, but then they end up falling in love with the dog. Yes after a while and it's like it's kind of cool to see like a 72 year old person like Discover a new part of their heart.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's like.

Speaker 2:

I never knew I could love like this, you know.

Speaker 1:

That's a really good way to put it because it's my like again. My dad, my youngest sibling and and the wife live at home with my parents and they have a cat and my parents were like when they moved in, my parents were like we don't want a cat running around the house. We don't want this like the cat can visit, but we don't want a cat running around. And I think what they didn't realize is that we would stop talking to them in general as adults and so the social structure that they're used to fell apart. So now the thing keeping them company and yelling at them for food is on a grandchild. You know it's a cat and I think that they just the grandkitty, yeah, and so like now, like for Christmas, like the cat gets the most gifts, it's like so many treats and they're just constantly just like doing.

Speaker 1:

They're like ha, like you know, like Giving kisses and stuff to the cat, and I'm just like this is my gosh turned around so much.

Speaker 2:

It's the golden time except, like my parents, are the broken drop these so we're averse to buying things for each other. Mm-hmm, if they freaking went out and got a cat or a dog and then they started buying that dog pets, a cat presence, I would have some serious jealousy, like I Real. I think it would bring up a lot of stuff. I feel like I'd be like calling my therapist from from like New Hampshire where my parents are from. I'm like I need to talk to you, man. This is fucked up like I can't. I can't deal with Again spike getting all the Getting all the love yeah that's crazy.

Speaker 1:

For you? What chakra does the eight? Does the idea pets activate?

Speaker 2:

Okay, let's just check in with my actual chakras right now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, deep breath. Because you were currently without pet.

Speaker 2:

I'm currently without pet. I miss. I mean, here's the thing about having an ex who it's their pet, right, but then the dog like loves you so much and you're like I feel like the dog would choose me, like I felt like that way. I don't know if that was true you know.

Speaker 3:

So I did. I didn't want to.

Speaker 2:

I was hoping we'd be able to, you know. Just see, you know, like, all right, let's both call the dog at the same time and see who goes to and that's who keeps it, but no, there's none of that? No, there's none of that. Like it was, it was her dog to be in, big and weapons, so of course, yeah but I Guess, I mean I don't know how I can't say it's not the Anahata, the heart chakra.

Speaker 2:

I just don't yeah it feels like it's, it's, it's the one, right like it's, like you know love, acceptance, compassion. It feels like pets, at least dogs in particular, right like I Don't know if it's just a projection for dogs. I feel like it is true love, but I felt like my hand I had. I did have a hamster growing up, my mom did cave and finally, like like there was like somebody at work giving away a hamster, so it was free, so she felt like I should take it and she was freaked out.

Speaker 2:

She's so scared she's holding this. Like you know, she put a towel over the cage. She didn't want to look at it and I remember her bringing it home. I was so excited like, oh my god, we have a pet and and I love that hamster Tasha so much. Like it was, like you know, and again I don't know if it was all projection, but I feel, like you know, we were connected and Anytime another creature is like doting on you.

Speaker 2:

It makes you feel validated and like at one with the world a little bit more, and that's what I think pets do. They make us like, they connect us a little bit more to this crazy planet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know what I, I Agree, like I genuinely like there is, like I, it's hard chakra as much as I want to be, like it's the lowest of low chakras, because that is like a grounding aspect.

Speaker 1:

Like I do think that it comes from the heart, that like it is, and I think that you know not to talk about such a mournful topic, but I think it really drives home, like when you lose, like losing pets to me, I think has affected me more than like losing some like distant family members where I am Just like this is a part of me, like the souls become so enmeshed and it doesn't have a kind of honestly like what creature it is. I know that like we are really close to dogs and cats you know in in the US pets, but like I know people who have lost, like lizards, and it's just you know, and and various other animals as pets, and it's just like it is a part of you that you kind of just like release back To whatever natural cycle this all is and it's a wild thing to be a part of. Yeah, back to the earth.

Speaker 2:

I think, like it's funny, we are chats, our chats, chats blown up here. There's a lot of opinions about this nervous Rex, known Indian chatter.

Speaker 3:

We had a dog growing up in.

Speaker 2:

A few of my other first-gen Indian friends did too. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. From our perspective, it would have been like, oh, that's the weird house. Like right, my parents are like they got a pet. You know, they had that weird. So, yeah, death warmed over. I like dogs, but I've been bitten many times. I should be afraid of them. Yeah, yeah, you know, I had to learn how to interface with the dog, like I had to learn the language of how to show confidence, and yes, kind of an alpha and like like that was.

Speaker 2:

That was something I had to learn like later in life. So for me it was like I never had a dog growing up and I knew I was dating this girl. I had to go to her house and you, she had a dog and I was like I have to walk in there with like extra confidence Because the last thing I want to do is have.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, I'm gonna be bit face right. Yeah, like like that face that's not a sexy face. No, you're not you're probably not hooking up that night if she sees that face. So I had to like go in there and be like. I love dogs. I'm gonna connect with this dog and and.

Speaker 1:

You became an animal that night.

Speaker 2:

I did, I did. I walked in there and that dog loved me and she was like he always Barks at people. He's not barking at you at all and I'm like, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

A real something about Mary's situation that you pulled. Congratulations.

Speaker 2:

Here's a cool thing from chat I want to throw at you, omar. I listened to a podcast about non-human intimacy, which is what this sounds like mm-hmm. Dogs Generate the same hormones as babies when they look you in the eye. What yeah, really so. Whatever, like you know, cocktail of dopamine, mm-hmm, serotonin, you know, whatever. All those, all those lovely chemicals, same exact ones as when a dog looks at you.

Speaker 3:

I mean a big strategy that a lot of mammals took was, rather than just like, my genes need to go forward. It's like oh, you're, you're. I recognize you as similar to me. I'm happy to help you out. That sort of thing.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'm being corrected. It's oxytocin that we're gonna oxytocin.

Speaker 1:

That's like. That's the huge amount of chemical that's released. When you experienced childbirth, If I'm not mistaken to be like hey, it was. It was like somewhat worth it.

Speaker 2:

This is yeah, you get a lot, you get. You get like a total cocktail.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, for sure. Oxytocin is a big one. So it's like look, you know, you don't need antidepressants, just get a puppy. Yeah, that's good, you know, let's, let's put a dent in that pharma bill or those pharma companies.

Speaker 1:

Let's go. Let's go from big pharma to big dog clothing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, let's go from that chakra check and I feel like we nailed it, yeah Right into our next segment, the game, the ABCD pets name generator.

Speaker 1:

Here it is. Here it is.

Speaker 2:

Okay, baby, let's do this we. I've already sort of explained it, so I won't get into the crazy detail of basically we're going to see pictures of pets from our community. We're going to get a sort of multiple choice of what the names could possibly be for that.

Speaker 1:

Okay, okay.

Speaker 2:

We have to then guess what we think it is and give our reason why. Okay, our judge Delvin will decide, obviously, if we've got to correct and if our reason is close enough to get a bonus point.

Speaker 3:

Right, so there's two potential points on each one, and the final round is actually a multi pet, so there's a lot of points online at the finale as well, so you're lagging behind. Multi pet. You're lagging behind. There's a little bit more coming on the last one to catch you.

Speaker 2:

Is this a hydra? Jigs, jigs, jigs and the magical creatures joke All right, let's get this going. Let's go.

Speaker 3:

All right oh. Oh my goodness, so I'm also going to let you know who submitted these pets. So you're going to have a little bit of background. Maybe if you know the psychology of this like quarter, maybe you can piece out what I think they might use for the animals. So we got a few of here from Hunter P Brown, regular support of the pod and other funny things.

Speaker 3:

So this is the first of a few cats we've got from Hunter. So is the name of this cat a night crawler, b, ninja, c, shadow or d, hydrochloric acid?

Speaker 2:

HCl Just straight. Who's your little HCl? So for those at home listening, we're looking at a black cat. I mean this is. You could see this out of a Halloween decoration with piercing yellow eyes.

Speaker 1:

Yes, presenting to us a bouquet of flowers and a Tabasco bottle.

Speaker 2:

That's right. I mean, listen, I feel like this is the obvious thing. I mean, any of these could work right. Okay, I want to say night crawler, just because, see, now I'm nervous that that's like, oh, that's the nerd one. So you like you know, and you that that's the one that Delvin would have picked to throw me off.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

What were the other ones? Shadow and what else?

Speaker 3:

Your other options were B Ninja, c shadow or D hydrochloric acid.

Speaker 1:

I'm going shadow hard and I'm right.

Speaker 2:

I'm going.

Speaker 1:

I'm going, ninja. This cat moves in the shadows All right, we're locked in and.

Speaker 2:

I'm walking in a ninja.

Speaker 3:

And deep. You got it right. It is indeed, ninja.

Speaker 1:

No, what is the back?

Speaker 2:

I just felt like that. But what I know about Hunter, he's kind of like you know, he's kind of metal, he's a big red driver. I yeah, I just feel like he was going to go with something that has blades and can kill in the, in the, in the, in the dark.

Speaker 3:

I can't believe this All right Backstory for your bonus. Oh, that, that's that is your backstory, is just like, because he's really metal.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I see, I'm OK, I get it now. So now I, because I got it right, I can try it. Try for the backstory. Yeah, I guess that you know what. I don't know what show it is, but I bet I think he likes anime, and like anime that has was related to ninjas, and so that's why you need to ninja.

Speaker 3:

All right, that is not it. It's just named that because of how feisty and sneaky he was. It wasn't a specific reference to real, so it's nice try though you still got your point.

Speaker 1:

Nice, try Stone game All right, that point.

Speaker 3:

Oh, this is number two in our initial Hunter P Brown lineup Yep Whiskers. All right, so this, this beautiful little cat, is this cat's name a Maggie B whiskers See Salton Peppa or D existential dread.

Speaker 2:

I like your funny ones. I know that one of these times it's going to be that answer. I mean, I feel like I have to vote for whiskers because I said it, but you said, it mean into it. You do yours first.

Speaker 1:

I'm going into the wrong answer. I'm going to Salton Peppa I think it's also Salton Peppa.

Speaker 2:

But you know what? What were the other ones? It was whiskers. And what was the first one?

Speaker 3:

A Maggie B whiskers, d Salton Peppa or D existential dread.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to look Maggie. I'm going to look Maggie. Yeah, I don't know, just feeling like a person. She looks again Maggie.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Are you locked in on those answers? Because you're changing your answers a lot. I need to know.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm locked.

Speaker 3:

Maggie, maggie and locked the Salton, peppa, sorry. Thank you, dandeeb, you got to write. This is indeed Maggie. You know what?

Speaker 2:

Come on, I know my people. I know my people. You got to connect with Hunter P Brown better.

Speaker 3:

Omar, I got to say, like you two really need to spend more time together to really get it in the same way I've been trying.

Speaker 1:

I thought that it would be Sir Patrick Stewart.

Speaker 3:

All right, dandeeb, at four your bonus points. So again, I'm not asking for your justification while you picked it. I'm asking for what was Hunter, or whoever named the animal's justification for naming it.

Speaker 1:

You're not going to get this.

Speaker 2:

Hunter loves the movie Secretary, and Maggie Jillian Hall starts as the secretary, and so I think that's why it's named Maggie Jillian Hall. Let's go, baby. What?

Speaker 3:

a pull. It was a nice go. Actually it was. She was named Maggie already at the adoption agency.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it was going to actually was better.

Speaker 3:

Well, so just stuck with it. You know, what the adoption name that she was found. She was found with a deceased original owner and was like two thick sides, but they got her back up to health.

Speaker 2:

I was going to say already named, because that's what Tasha, my hamster, was already named. I didn't pick the name Tasha.

Speaker 1:

No, you went with the secretary. Well, I wanted to All right.

Speaker 3:

Next time. Okay, this is the last of our Hunter P Brown trifecta of initial cats, it's all hunter all the time, baby. So this little beauty is this a sunny be crystal, see angel or D form 1040 a got a wanted to be 1048.

Speaker 2:

There's no attack.

Speaker 3:

Ironically, all four of these are perfectly fine, like exotic dancer names as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she's seen 1040 is double D, what, what? Say it again.

Speaker 3:

A sunny be crystal, see angel or D form 1040 a she's an.

Speaker 2:

She is an angel and I'm going to go. I'll do. I'll go first, since you've been going first.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm going to go with Angel. Oh, wow Just looks like a little angel.

Speaker 1:

I was going to go with Angel too, but now that you said it, I'm going to go with Crystal.

Speaker 3:

OK, all right, you're both locked in. Yes, thank you. So if you are out of role, did you? Two like you two have like a. You have a DM session you were doing before the before the episode of what names were going in there.

Speaker 1:

What is this horse play?

Speaker 3:

You've been scrolling through his social media feed to dig up all everybody's animal histories. Well, apparently, not their histories. You haven't got any histories right, but you're getting names right so far.

Speaker 2:

All right.

Speaker 3:

Why is this?

Speaker 2:

cat named.

Speaker 3:

Angel Lovebirds.

Speaker 2:

Why is I can't? I mean, she looks like a beautiful little angel, maybe, ok, maybe it was like. Maybe he was in like a down time in his life, you know, and then adopted the cat and then was like this angel this was my angel like my who saved him yeah. Who saved him, kind of thing like my name or angel.

Speaker 3:

Now it's a nice setup, but it's the other way around. It was then saving them. This is the only one of the three that was a rescue as opposed to an adopted cat. Oh, but others wife named this cat Angel because she was saved to like a normal happy life. But nice try.

Speaker 2:

Which you name them Angel, because they saved her. Yep, I'm an, I'm, I'm going to give hundreds. You never said it before. You don't say Angels, angels, save you for the infinite dates.

Speaker 1:

That's like a biblical story.

Speaker 2:

All right, ok, all right, so this is a known Indian nervous rex's cat.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I'm not calling him out, as previously identified Even if I was mentioned if that could clip out of context. It's not really weird for the reason you call it out. How did Indian nervous Rex's cat is this a Nala the cookie? See Harry P or D 300 B's in a trench coat?

Speaker 1:

Nala, I'm going to, I'm locking it in before Sanjeev can get it to it. Shit, nala.

Speaker 2:

What was the second one?

Speaker 3:

again, cookie second option was cookie B.

Speaker 2:

I know was the third option.

Speaker 3:

Third option is Harry P.

Speaker 2:

I don't think he's that big of a Harry Potter fan, is he?

Speaker 3:

Well, in my notes it doesn't say Harry Potter, it just says Harry P.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, but I don't know if that's supposed to be Harry Potter or something else. If you're going to Harry Styles, his middle name starts with P Harry P Styles.

Speaker 2:

Here's what I'm thinking like. If you know you're make, say it was your job, omar, to make up the fake names.

Speaker 1:

Right, it is.

Speaker 2:

Say it was that.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You, would you make up out of the blue, harry P.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you would, yeah, yeah. Anything to throw you off, I would.

Speaker 2:

No, I wouldn't, I wouldn't Right it's specific it's really specific Like why would it, it does.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's kind of go to animal name.

Speaker 2:

Right, but I would never pull that. So I'm going to say just on that, and it's through this metagaming move, I'm going to go with Harry P. But I get my heart. I kind of feel like it's cookie. But here we go, harry P Locked in.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Different noise, because that time it's Omar taking away. This is indeed Nala Omar. Why did nervous Rex name this cat Nala?

Speaker 1:

Nala is the lioness from the Lion King and clearly, looking at Nala, the cat that we just saw, she's a queen.

Speaker 3:

I'm sure. I'm sure that would be a beautiful reason to name this cat Nala, and perhaps somebody did use this reasoning. But nervous Rex, what reasoning is? You've heard this before. That was a name in the shelter and they're like, yeah, we're going to keep that.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my God.

Speaker 2:

So if we had just we just picked that was, that was their name from the shelter. Over and over again, we would have scored two bonus points.

Speaker 3:

There are two cases now where somebody's reason for the name was well, that was their name but the shelter, and we kept it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah this is like bubbling sea, like, yeah, all right, anyone's game. Yes, look at this little child.

Speaker 2:

Why is everybody's got cats. This is the thing about my my that funny just scored. Everyone's a cat owner, there's no dogs.

Speaker 3:

There are dogs in here. I'm putting these in the order they were submitted. So, as it happens, all the dog people just procrastinated a lot and the cat people were right on time.

Speaker 2:

That's what you're saying that tracks, tracks.

Speaker 3:

So this is Banshee's cat, is this?

Speaker 2:

cat's name.

Speaker 3:

A Theopatra, b cookie, c Loki or D Hashtag hashtag.

Speaker 1:

So if you get first pick, Clampatra Loki cookie again.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, which is interesting which is interesting to sing. So they did write Harry P. I want to get behind that.

Speaker 3:

For the record, some of these were written by Diego and I wrote some of these, so I was not involved in the Harry P.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that changes things if Diego is in the mix. That's a level of chaos we're not ready for, but I did write 300 B's in a trench coat.

Speaker 3:

That one was me.

Speaker 2:

on that one Now you got me Banshee seems like a classy lady, okay, okay, so in the interactions I've had with her. So I'm going to go clear Patra based on that, so you can clear Patra.

Speaker 1:

That's so interesting because I'm going Loki.

Speaker 3:

Okay, right, and oh are, you are finally making up the ground. This is indeed Loki.

Speaker 1:

Why? Why is this Loki God of mischief, mischief, reasoning, something to do with mischief?

Speaker 3:

I mean, yeah, that is the reasoning His his name is Loki now, because he's a true God of mischief. As it happens, this cat was actually originally named Cleopatra, and they were adopted and changed to Loki, so so who's really right?

Speaker 2:

You're on the same wavelength as somebody who would abandon this cat Basically where we're at. Got it Okay. Great, all right With the abandoners. Did I get the reason?

Speaker 3:

right, that's the reason is because he's a true God of mischief, so Wow.

Speaker 1:

We are tied up All right.

Speaker 3:

So this will be Zyle the eagles cat we've got here and this is the last of the cats we've got. So going forward. After this, no more cats. It's pure dog. You're all around pure dog. So is this cat's name a marbles? Be Susan, susan C, bv or D Patreoncom. Slash f and funny.

Speaker 2:

That's good to be, named after our sponsors. Okay, um, I'm going.

Speaker 3:

Marble, oh, I wanted more of a you can't both use the same name If you want. You're just not going to, let's do it for one.

Speaker 1:

If you both think it's right, you probably should pick the point. Let's both go in.

Speaker 2:

Don't peer pressure me. Okay, I'll go. Marble, let's go, let's do it.

Speaker 3:

Okay, you're both locked in.

Speaker 2:

Maybe we have to have different reasons though.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, okay, good Cause. I wanted to make sure I could use this noise at some point. Yeah, you're both you're both locked in on the wrong answer. I'm sorry, this cat is actually VV.

Speaker 1:

VV. Why VV?

Speaker 3:

Uh, since nobody got this right, so VV is from final fantasy nine. Uh, the black coat on top represents the black mage and the white belly represents the character's pure heart. But unlike the character, this little jerk hates everyone and only tolerate Sal the eager. It doesn't entirely live up to the namesake, but that is the reasoning for the naming.

Speaker 2:

I love how specific and like you know, they really thought that through. Okay, it wasn't just like sorry, I'm in throwing a little shade here, it's not just like oh hey, there's the little's named at the the shelter.

Speaker 3:

I mean, a lot of people included a lot of like information about their animal. But as far as the detail on why they got the name, I think that was actually the most the most well documented name reasoning that I received. I actually had to edit it down a bit.

Speaker 2:

I bet they send you an essay it was great.

Speaker 3:

It was great material. We only had to edit it for time we were. We were editing for quality. It's great, all right.

Speaker 2:

Next, up, so we are now in dog mode.

Speaker 3:

Get ready for the dogs. We're in dog mode. Is this dog here? A scruffy B tuna can be dollop or D locked differential dollop.

Speaker 1:

Scruffy, let's go, I got it.

Speaker 2:

I see Done.

Speaker 3:

Oh Mara, indeed, this is scruffy. I'm getting my ass kicked. Why is this dog's named scruffy?

Speaker 1:

It's a Han Solo reference it. But instead of scruffy nerf herder, it's scruffy, All right.

Speaker 3:

So I'm going to leave this to you to decide whether he whether he got close enough on that. So the dog used to be named scruffy At some point in the system, at the at the rescue in the system the name got. We got an error in the name and the name got turned into scruffy with a Y in the middle. But the dog responded better to scruffy, so they so they kept that, but scruffy was the original dog's name.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to give it to him. I think that's pretty good. He didn't get that, it was coming from.

Speaker 3:

It actually was scruffy, just not necessarily why they changed it.

Speaker 2:

That's pretty good yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's so funny. Our family dog was originally going to be named Balachi and then we went to go print her name tag I'm just too many letters so then we changed it to inky, cause she had like black and white splotches and that became her name. And it was just because physically we couldn't fit the letters.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, it's too long, yep you know?

Speaker 1:

oh, look at this. You gotta get creative with the constraints.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay, this is going to be great for the audio podcast. Oh, we got a video.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we got some video.

Speaker 1:

We got some video.

Speaker 3:

This one a couple of people got videos in. Oh, my gosh Okay so this is Danny I know it is Danny's corner in the in Twitch chats dog.

Speaker 2:

Oh, who's a good puppy?

Speaker 3:

Guys, is this but?

Speaker 2:

I was good. If you're on the audio podcast, you got to jump over to our YouTube and check this out. I mean, these guys, yeah, or?

Speaker 3:

if somebody watching the live stream clip these out so that people can at least find these animals.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's such a good dog.

Speaker 2:

All right when clip of the week, who knows?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I'll let you go first.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That's my feeling too. I want to go Domino as well, you're both locked in going down oh yeah, I'm gonna stick with Domino yeah. Sorry, michael, michael of course, looking, it's a little Michael.

Speaker 3:

Michael nobody got that right. So backstory in the name. So Danny's father named the dog after Danny's uncle, which is why the dog's name is Michael, also sometimes Mickey. The dog is also sometimes referred to as a cat who do it's cat-like behavior. I did not. I didn't get full details on the, but I'm sure I'm sure they're in. They're in chat right now, so you know, after the podcast you can get there right now, and I love this.

Speaker 2:

They're in chat right now, like am I in a meeting right now? Yes, did I take time to pop in anyway?

Speaker 3:

Yes, oh, thank you for your beautiful dog that's come on for your dog, oh you got to, so we are now. This is the final one. All right, this is a multi pets photo. As you can see, there are multiple down by two photo and, as it happens, chance this is where it's double.

Speaker 3:

But you're gonna have to do them, you're gonna have to come both at the same time. So these are D-man's cats. You know D-man, so D-man's cats are they a Sable and Bruce, b, hella and Bruce or C, stable and hella or D. Thank you for liking and subscribing. It really helps us out.

Speaker 2:

Sable and Bruce and hella are the choices right thank you for subscribing.

Speaker 1:

It helps us out the three names that were in the non-joke pool.

Speaker 3:

Yes, we're stable Bruce and hella in each possible combination of.

Speaker 1:

I'll let you choose first, because you have the most to lose, sandy.

Speaker 2:

Sable, bruce and hella. I Don't know why, but I want to lock in Bruce. Some reason I'm like Bruce. Bruce is right. Well, I know why because my dear friends doggy dog was named Bruce. I passed recently and we love Bruce, so I'm gonna lock in Bruce for because Bruce is with me right now helping me out. So Bruce, and then Sable, sable and hella, hella, like, like that's hella good.

Speaker 3:

In my notes it is spelled H, e, l, a. Don't have any notes to allow you to have back Then the north healer. That spelling has significant goddess.

Speaker 2:

Sable, sable, and is Sable also north goddess.

Speaker 3:

Sable is spelled S A B L E. If you're currently, I guess, googling stuff to like, try to compete in this bet guessing game.

Speaker 2:

You've got damn right. I'm down by two. I gotta just use. Nobody said no googling. Nobody said no googling. I never heard no googling.

Speaker 1:

All dogs named Sable.

Speaker 2:

Bruce and hella. That's where I'm going.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'm going, sable and hella All right.

Speaker 3:

I appreciate the gentleman's move there because that, as you are in the lead, you know, thank you, you could, it could have done a route.

Speaker 1:

I want to win right, I appreciate that.

Speaker 3:

So, as it happens, this is my name, hella.

Speaker 2:

All tied up final round if the final question.

Speaker 3:

So yes, deep for the possibility to glitch the victory and not be left in a tie. What is the backstory of why these two cats are named hella?

Speaker 1:

and Bruce, I can't believe this. Okay, can I steal it if Sandeep doesn't get it.

Speaker 3:

We're gonna have to because it's tied up. We can't leave this out of tie if he doesn't get it.

Speaker 2:

I think, because I, because I did look, because you just looked. Well, I was looking it up before, so I had the information that Hela was also a character in uh in, like the Marvel Universe.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Uh, like a, like a bad guy yeah was.

Speaker 1:

It was the main villain in Ragnarok. It was main villain in Ragnarok.

Speaker 2:

So I'm thinking like something either based on the comic or that movie, like basically, that kitty is up to no good, it's mischievous, it's, you know. And the other one, bruce, I'm going to go with, uh, the huge Bruce, bruce Campbell fans, and they love army of darkness and Bruce Campbell fans.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's Bruce. What were the two names again?

Speaker 3:

Hela and Bruce and Hela Actual names. Okay, I don't know if Bruce is.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if there's a Bruce that's associated with that, so it's because one is.

Speaker 1:

one is a Ragnarok reference, the other is a Bruce Campbell reference.

Speaker 2:

That's my, that's what I just said.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yep, what's your, what's your reasoning? Okay?

Speaker 1:

Well, here, this is going to complicate things a little bit to delve in, this is going to come down to you, but a little known fact, uh, that you might notice when you're watching the behind the scenes footage of uh of the film Thor Ragnarok, directed by Taika Waitidi.

Speaker 3:

The best movie in the Thor series?

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Oh, my God, is that there is actually a Bruce in that movie?

Speaker 2:

Sandy, I didn't know, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Mr. Mr Bruce Hulk.

Speaker 3:

Mr Bruce Hulk Bruce Mr.

Speaker 1:

Bruce Hulk who turns into the scary banner. I think it's two references oh Bruce.

Speaker 2:

Oh, Bruce banner, You're saying it's Bruce banner. So you're both saying. You're both saying it's Hela from.

Speaker 3:

Marvel. Sandy, if you're saying it's Bruce from Bruce Campbell and Omar, you're saying it's Bruce, has a Bruce banner in the Marvel universe.

Speaker 1:

And what we can do is we can say Sandy is saying it's a non Marvel Bruce, it's any other Bruce. I'm saying it's the Hulk.

Speaker 3:

You're saying it's the Hulk and Sandy.

Speaker 2:

if you're saying it's all other Bruce's, no, I'm good with Bruce Campbell, let's go.

Speaker 3:

Okay, not taking. Not taking the giveaway by Omar, the cocky giveaway. I'm sorry you are wrong on basically both counts, okay.

Speaker 2:

So it's a Norse goddess that they care about.

Speaker 3:

They don't give a shit about the movie, so Hela's name was poof was loaned to D-man's brother and then, after eventually getting back, D-man's brother had named the cat Hela. They stuck with Hela. It's entirely possible that the brother's renaming may have been Marvel or whatever, but D-man who owns the cat? Certification is well. My brother renamed them and he stuck with it, Bruce in this case is not Bruce Campbell. It is not Bruce banner Hello Bruce. From the Monty Python sketch of the same name.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my God, I love it.

Speaker 2:

That's a great. That can't, that's a good reason to be wrong.

Speaker 3:

I was satisfied.

Speaker 2:

I just want you know you are satisfied or unsatisfied.

Speaker 1:

I'm satisfied with the tie.

Speaker 3:

I'm satisfied with us with that performance at the end, I'm very satisfied with the tie.

Speaker 2:

I just didn't want to hear my laws. Bruce, that's what they named him at the shelter. That's all I would have. I would have left the show. Nice, oh my God, everybody's got some cute kitties and doggoes. I was hoping we were going to get like a lizard or like a, a snake chinchilla, a little, a little dust bathing chinchilla.

Speaker 1:

Oh, folks, thank you so much for sending in your animals. You do such good animals.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this was such a blast. It was like lovely to see all of our you know all of our contributors.

Speaker 1:

Pets, yeah, and if you didn't get a chance, to contribute your pet for this hop in the Discord and and submit your pet, your pet pics, now.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, get in the hashtag.

Speaker 1:

Who knows, shana will be in our.

Speaker 3:

Discord. You can still submit our pets and we'll still see them. They just won't necessarily be on the pod.

Speaker 2:

Or maybe we'll just. You know, just the next four podcasts will just be pets.

Speaker 3:

All pets.

Speaker 1:

All pets all the time. Well, speaking of someone who is close to animals, should we hop toward the AC of the week?

Speaker 2:

We sure should.

Speaker 1:

All right, folks. This week our AC of the week is Garimuliki yes, Garimuliki yes.

Speaker 2:

Let's go.

Speaker 1:

Garimuliki is an animal welfare activist in India and the trustee of people for animals, india's largest animal welfare organization. A protege of Miss Gundy, she has led successful campaigns for animal rights, including campaigns that against the practice of sacrificial slaughtering of cattle. She started working for people for animals and luck now in 1995 as a volunteer, where she played a vital role in setting up the first animal shelter in the city. She also helped raise funds for the shelter, conducted adoption programs for rehabilitating abandoned dogs and facilitated the coordination of animal ambulance services for animals in distress.

Speaker 2:

Yes, In 2019, Garimuliki began a campaign to get the government to realize its past commitments to improve animal welfare. She wrote to each of India's states regarding a 10 year old directive to form state animal welfare boards. In 2020, Maliki asked India Supreme Court to issue a writ to require states to create state animal welfare boards. She's just basically like we should care about animals, you guys can. We care about animals, let's care about animals. And so for our AC a week, it is the activist Garimuliki.

Speaker 1:

Yes, thank you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I mean, look at her Amazing.

Speaker 1:

What a chicken.

Speaker 3:

Amazing work.

Speaker 2:

And I'm sure not easy work out there. Yeah, my guess.

Speaker 1:

Just absolutely incredible, folks. That's been our show, as always. If you want to see our lowly faces, the FOD and other ways you can hang out with us are in the show notes. You know, if you could do us a huge favor, I'm going to take a break from the script and ask a personal favor.

Speaker 3:

Could you go ahead and wherever?

Speaker 1:

wherever the podcast is available. Go and give us a rating, a positive rating. That would be huge, that would be great. Maybe leave a comment.

Speaker 2:

Because I was colloquially.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just want to hate folks. I'm going to crumple up the speech that I prepared earlier oh my, that's it behind me Over my shoulder and then pull out the cue cards that I prepared for this extra part. That helps a lot, and if there's anything that you want to let us know comment, suggestions, feedback you can send that to us at ABCD podcast show at gmailcom or head us up in discord and let us know. We love hearing what you like and don't like.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that is correct. And one final bit of love to our sponsors. They see quest, go to this questcom to check out the TTP TTRPG actual play show that stars me and Omar and other really great folks. So hit that up and then join our mailing list, because that's the way we can give you up to the minute news about the show.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, yes, yes. And now it's the time, it's time. We've given you as much time as we can afford as long as we could.

Speaker 3:

Oh, we're locked in.

Speaker 1:

There's no stretching required Any moment you're ready to watch it.

Speaker 3:

We are all set up. We're on different levels, so you just have to be ready to watch it. There's no stretching required. They're not quite comfortable. They're copyrighted tracks. There's no alternative to.

Speaker 2:

There's stuff you can get the music for, but nobody can hear us do it. One suggestion in there was fairly broad and easily to acquire.

Speaker 3:

You were doing this in Ska Ska. I go to the stream. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

You ready.

Speaker 1:

You ready for that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was going, I was going.

Speaker 3:

One, two, one two, three, four.

Speaker 2:

Joshy, you are right. Toby, I'm gonna lose.

Speaker 1:

Benjamin Low, Hunter B Brown, Miranda Hollander.

Speaker 2:

In my car along Christina Romero.

Speaker 1:

Danny's corner. Rayland Fox, selena B.

Speaker 2:

I don't think there's any. The Bechara Tech, the New Brits, frank and Sarah AJ, christine, sector Crew, sector Tech.

Speaker 1:

Jeremy, brian P Russell, baruka Zal Baroon, Mollie Ford.

Speaker 2:

Don't forget all the all the I said three, physics, art and college jingle two.

Speaker 3:

I'm not even a living potty. Oh, Reverend Dantino.

Speaker 1:

You know this girl, she's got the spark, it's got level patreon global park and the God level patreon scribbles and backtracks.

Speaker 2:

The sexiest thing about the stock guy.

Speaker 1:

He's got a gorgeous face in Ohio.

Speaker 2:

And the thing, the real brand new brand yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she's a great sport.

Speaker 2:

It went to the bridge. It went to the bridge at the end of the song and I fucked it up.

Speaker 3:

That was the bridge to Ohio, oh beautiful.

Speaker 1:

We always make such a choice to just name three, names that are four, and when, when we're doing four?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the classic three line structure in songs is very popular. It's ABA.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just A-B-C.

Speaker 3:

A-A-B. Yeah, IBC.

Speaker 1:

Well, the show is produced by Diego, and now the show's technical director and sound designer you heard his voice is Devon Neville. The show's executive producers are Sandy Parikh and Anansha. This is edited by Sean Maher, Music by Harshal Sussodi and Jess Vercing and Mollie Zeveri. This has been an effing funny production. On behalf of our co-host, the clear voice, Sandy Parikh, I've been your Mollie voice host Oman Ajahn and your checkers being lined and smothered in Chutney.

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