American Born Chatty Desis (A·B·C·D)

AmeriCON Born Desis: Conversations about Conventions ~ A Love Letter to Cosplay and Comics - (A·B·C·D) Podcast Episode 24

EffinFunny Season 1 Episode 24

Ever reminisced about the good old days of cosplay, comic trading, and nerve-racking fan interactions? Buckle up, because my co-host Omar and I are about to take you on a joyride through the nostalgic lanes of the convention world. As seasoned attendees and transitioned panelists, we’ll recount our fond memories, from the exhilarating hunt for a coveted comic to the unexpected thrill of being recognized by complete strangers.

Ever thought about the authenticity and success of various conventions? We’ll put your query to the test with an engaging game of Real or Fake Conventions. Omar and I will investigate the likes of the Association of Lincoln Presenters and the Sharknado Con, and uncover their unique offerings from bustling marketplaces to cosplay contests. We’ll also unmask the legitimacy of intriguing conventions like the California Mermaid Convention, and give you our verdict. 

Finally, we’ll share our crystal ball predictions about the future of conventions and their potential impact on our throat chakra. Omar and I will leave you with some valuable tips on joining the quest mailing list to stay abreast of upcoming conventions. And as we wrap up our convention-themed week, we express our heartfelt gratitude to all those who contributed to this podcast journey, from the talented team behind the scenes to our generous patrons. So tune in, and join us in celebrating our shared cultural identity and love for conventions.

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Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, mm-mm, mm-mm Oh.

Speaker 2:

Hello everyone, Delicious.

Speaker 1:

That was so beautiful to hear. How's it going. Happy week, happy week, everybody. Welcome to.

Speaker 2:

ABC Week.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to ABC Week. I'd like to introduce you to the What are some more evergreen statements that we can do today? Yeah, exactly, welcome to the podcast. How's?

Speaker 2:

it going to no one that can respond. And then, how's your week? Hey name Happy Wednesday. Happy Wednesday when it was Folks.

Speaker 1:

I want to welcome you all to. I want to introduce the co-host this week. She's the one who waits in line at Hall LH for hours upon hours just to go up to the microphone and say well, you know, i have a project coming out this week. I kickstarted it. I'm like this is less of a question and more of a reference to my project. It's Sunday for weeks.

Speaker 2:

That's amazing. The guy who goes up to self promo Deringo the Hall H. Oh my gosh, amazing, that's so good. And yes, of course, let me introduce our host this week, a man whose name that I would have autographed a tattoo of his autograph just directly across, like where my mustache is. That's where I want it. Oh, my, right across my mustache area Omar Najam. That wasn't as good, that wasn't as funny as an intro, but if you're wondering why we're talking about autographs, Yeah, why were we talking about autographs?

Speaker 1:

Wow, and.

Speaker 2:

Hall H. It's because this, this episode, is all about conventions, and it's right.

Speaker 1:

Maybe it's convention season And we're going to be getting into it because this is our show ABC. the American born Chandy they see is, which is a podcast within a live stream within our lives, is to American born They see. it's a pod ducking. This is for anyone out there who, like us, is navigating your cultural identity. You just want to chat about it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so on top for today, like I said, hey, it's convention season, we're going to do a chakra check and, talking about that, both Omar and I well versed in the convention world. It's the season for the fan expos, the comic cons, the mass nerve gatherings everywhere. So we're going to give you our perspective from the other side of the table. And then, right after that, we're going to play a game called real or fake with conventions. Like, there's so many conventions in the world, there's all sorts of crazy ones, and so Delvin's going to list off some, some real or fake ones, and Elmer and I have to guess, and then whoever wins, that is going to take over as host Next week And then finally wrap everything up with this the week, and then we're out of here.

Speaker 1:

My goodness. But before we do that, we got to talk about our sponsors. Real quick. We got to sponsors. Our first one is they see quest. That's right. This is an actual play TT RPG set in a South Asian mythology inspired universe built by star GM and incredible being Jasmine and that bronze and a fuller with a stellar cast and includes critical role darling on Jaleep Amani, dimension 20. Right They?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And two more darlings on the evening, and I just really want to quickly say I'm here at origins con and I'm actually sporting the DC quest shirts. Oh, yes, you sure are podcast.

Speaker 2:

I'm wearing.

Speaker 3:

We do have this shirt. I just love this shirt.

Speaker 1:

I love this shirt.

Speaker 2:

It's a big fan And I had a bunch of folks come up to me Oh, go ahead, sorry.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's and say that how excited they were about this request here at the convention.

Speaker 2:

They were like oh, they just know you that you're in it. They didn't know the shirt, though. What are you like?

Speaker 1:

on and look at the shirt. I had my face fully covered.

Speaker 2:

Okay. Okay, you weren't spotted for the shirt, you're spotted for your face. All right, we'll do better with the brand I had the face fully covered, it was all sure.

Speaker 1:

All right. Pants also blurred out, shoes Blurred out.

Speaker 2:

For those listening. The shirt is cool. It's a d 20 with like a Mandela sort of DC design around it, which is pretty magical. So we're we're loving the shirt. So you know, you can get anywhere. Or you can just go to a random convention and see a pantless and masked Omar wearing it.

Speaker 1:

Blurred out pants. I was wearing pants. They were just blurred out. Thank you very much. I mean, it was skin tone, so it's a little tricky. Anyway, if you want to get more information about the show and hop on our mailing list for stuff like oh I don't know, like trailers, character announcements, many reveals head over to the AC Quest dot com. D, s, i, q U E S T dot com or click on the link in the show notes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. And, by the way, we're going to have a brand new, updated website coming out soon. So things are all happening and the teaser trailers coming out. So it's very exciting, very exciting. Yes, now for our second sponsor. That's you guys. It's you guys are, because the Patreon keeps the lights on. So for those of you who have already donated to the Patreon, thank you so much for helping us make this show happen. And for those of you interested in supporting us, then please head over to our Patreon. Patreoncom, slash f and funny. We got a bunch of tears for whatever you know contribution level that you might be comfortable with. We got random you know benefits that match those tears, including including my favorite one, which is your name, listed in the credits of the show, which we sing at the end of every single show. So that's, that's pretty fun. So support a couple of days He's in the creative arts and help us keep the lights on. I already said that, but you know, do it twice, we do it twice Again. That's patreoncom slash f and funny.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, buddy, hey, what do you say? we start the show. Okay, no, you're right, that's a good point. That's a good point. All right, let's begrudgingly head over to the checker. check in.

Speaker 2:

What was everything else we were doing? Was that not the show?

Speaker 1:

Okay, Mr Ontology over here. So today we are talking about conventions, cons, expos, all types of fandom related and nerdy events, because it's the season This is the season for getting together, going to panels and trying to collect your favorite comics.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and not getting the nerd fluenza.

Speaker 1:

Which is up, or, in many instances, covid, so you're. So how many years have you been well versed in conventions?

Speaker 2:

So the guild, the conventions for the guild I think it was 2009 was our first comic on.

Speaker 3:

And then.

Speaker 2:

Then it became this like flurry where suddenly for us you know, we didn't like make much money on the field, like I think our pay rate was like 500 bucks a day for shooting or something. It was like very low, barely able to. I don't even know that, we can't remember if we were. I think it helped us get into SAG after I can't remember I don't even know if we made health insurance from it. So how we had to support ourselves was doing cons. Suddenly there was interest in us and we had Aaron Gray was our convention agent And she just started getting out to all these conventions and I was doing like 12 or so a year or something. I feel like maybe that's high, i don't even. It's all blur, but we did. I was high for sure. We did a bunch of sessions. They were so, so fun. I went all over the world for them. It was incredible. You know England, other countries that I can't think of right now. Why? Because my brain's fine Australia, australia, new Zealand, england and then all over the country, canada, obviously Commonwealth.

Speaker 2:

Yeah it was a. It was phenomenal experience just getting to visit the world this way and drop into. You know the joy of, of nerddom.

Speaker 1:

It was a wild time around the world. Yeah, i did, literally around the world.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i got invited to one in the Czech Republic and to this day, i wish, i just, i wish, i just got good. Yeah, i remember they. Yeah, I think I think it just was timing or something like that didn't work out, but they were like big legend and Neil fans over there And so I was like oh like a convention in the Czech Republic.

Speaker 2:

That's all the legend. And Neil would have been so cool And that's like conventions all about it. But but just like that's why they wanted me out. there Wasn't just the guild, like that was cool. So yeah, you know, and then kind of got burned out on them. To be honest, you know, after doing like eight years, probably like six, you know average to like 60 year kind of thing, some higher, some lower, and then like yours, like wow, it's a lot. So yeah, i haven't done him since. But I'm going back to Gen Con for honestly, the first time, first con since the pandemic is my first con since the pandemic, so that'll be, do you know?

Speaker 1:

when you're working conventions. Do you like to just only pop in for your appearance and then hide in the hotel or the restaurant, or do you know? this is shopping.

Speaker 2:

This is probably why I burned out is because I like to convention hard.

Speaker 3:

I like to go to the parties.

Speaker 2:

I like to hang out super late every night, meet people and go to like room party. I mean I just I this is also before I was a dad, so it was just, yeah, i liked all of it. So I was, i really wore myself down at these conventions because it was so fun. It was so fun Like it's like you know, especially from the perspective of a guest like you're kind of it's like you're it's like this like summer camp vibe, where all of a sudden, especially when you go abroad, you're like you know, it's like you, aaron Douglas, i'm like you know some random person from another sci-fi show or something, and you're like it's just the three of us that are like let's say, let's hang out guys, and you just become like best friends with Aaron Douglas for for a weekend as you just get hammered together.

Speaker 2:

So that happened a lot with a lot of like cool celebrities that I was like I was, i had looked looked up to. So that was, i was really fun. So I didn't want to pass up an opportunity to, like you know, do shots with Nicholas Brendan or I'm like I'm going to get drunk with Xander, like that's what's going to happen. And then later he did my show Real, real housewives of horror, so that was cool And so, yeah, so it's like it's this great opportunity to sort of network but also just have a blast, and yeah. So I think I think I went a little too hard. I think I think now, being a dad, i think I'd be like, ok, i'm going to go to bed at you know nine. Thanks everybody, see you tomorrow. But you, omar, switching the spotlight over to you, you are like a at a convention right now. As we speak, you might notice that his, his microphone is a laptop microphone because you are in Columbus, ohio, at Origins Con right now.

Speaker 1:

Is that right? Right, the Origins Game Festival. Yeah, yeah, yeah So what's your like?

Speaker 2:

this is like to me. I haven't been in the con game for a while. You've been in it like your star is rising, so I feel like you've done a bunch of these right.

Speaker 1:

It's been a goal He's. The thing is, i used to. I grew up as a convention rat where, like Wonder, con used to be held in San Francisco, and so, yeah, my friends and I, i would take the bus to a train, to another bus, to the Moscone Convention Center And these. When you're a kid, you can take $20 to a convention and get 40 uncanny X-Men comics, and we just lived like kings, we were like royalty on the train on the way back because we were just so proud of the 50 cent comics 25 cent comics that we found it was, you know, a yard sale. But what the best thing. We came back with Stories and adventures And we had goals to go look for things and see who could collect the most of something. And and so for me it's home turf to a certain extent, because I've been going to conventions pretty much as a kid, as a collector.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's so cool, like I. So I only went to like one or two before the guild.

Speaker 2:

I went to like a couple of Comic-Con So that was my only exposure to conventions and I had a blast, but it's how does it feel now, kind of shifting to the other side of the table, so to speak, where you're like on or you know, now you're on the panels and now you're, you know, presenting and doing, you know doing D&D games and signing autographs and stuff like that Is it? is it kind of a mind fucker In my opinion.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's the best to me because, like for me, it's not so much like, oh, it's us. I was just talking to my very good friend, serena Marie, today about this, because we're both here at Origins about how it doesn't feel like personal in a way, because I've been a part of this. It just feels like that wheel turning And I'm very honored that people would consider me a part of that and I would get to contribute to then other folks who go to conventions and get to have adventures and chase a picture or an autograph or something or a conversation or say something to me. That's just all part of the culture And so to me it's just. It feels very.

Speaker 1:

I feel like I'm making good and paying back into an environment that I got so much of and so much out of when I was growing up and through my formative years, and so it's great. But also I'm still just like I'll see, like I don't know, jerry, ryan or someone walk by and I'll have a meltdown and be like, oh my God, oh my God. So it's tight. Like for me, i'm just like. I still get to be a normal civilian. Like there is no, like people, like there's not spaces that I'm like, oh no, i can't go here. This is great To me.

Speaker 2:

It's wonderful Because I get the best of all. I bet not for long. That's my gut, Mr.

Speaker 1:

I'm on critical role and stuff now I feel like after your impending cancellation, you're not allowed to walk on to an exhibition floor.

Speaker 2:

I think you're just be mobbed by people that are like get me. The reason why I introduced you with that kind of bumbling interview or intro about about getting a tattoo of your autograph is because I just think we remember at Comic Con I think it was, i think I want to say 2011 around that time Someone was like came through the guild line, which at that time it was at the peak of our show, so the long ass line. They sat all the way through it. They got an autograph of everybody, but then they got Felicia's autograph tattoo or not, they got a Felicia's autograph on there. I gave away the chip, but on their thigh or their or their calf, and then later in the like or the next day or whatever, came back through the line, the long ass line again, and it was like a boom, put their foot on the table and was like bam, i got. I got that autograph tattooed on their body.

Speaker 3:

So there's someone walking around with.

Speaker 2:

Felicia's. You know name tattooed on their leg.

Speaker 1:

It's a great signature.

Speaker 2:

It's a strong signature.

Speaker 1:

It starts with the letter.

Speaker 2:

L, because her real first name is not Felicia. But people like that looks like a forgery. But then I remember I think he was like talking. I was talking about how he's he's getting engaged soon. We're all like you just got another woman's name tattooed. Crazy, so I think that's going to be someday, people walking around with their own Marisham tattoos.

Speaker 1:

My god. Well, if I can become a tattoo artist, i'll exclusively just do that. Yeah, for the short run of. But what's wild is that you were someone that, like my friends, and I used to like be like oh my god, he's going to be at Golden Apple every comic book day. We would like rush over and be like can you sign every comic book day comic.

Speaker 2:

So it's just, it's just wild man. I remember that Golden Apple signing Yeah a.

Speaker 1:

Jeep ran into a wall here. Do you remember that? What's that?

Speaker 2:

Anyway this is no wait, what was that? Say that again. Jeep what Jeep ran into a wall. Did that happen at that signing?

Speaker 1:

at that signing, Because it was the last outdoor signing that they were like you can line up. I think I do this. You can't line up.

Speaker 2:

Wow, you just like on earth some like ancient, you know, like dusty cob web portion of my brain. That's so crazy. Okay, we'll talk about that later. Or therapy, yeah, if you have to put any.

Speaker 1:

if you have to put any chakra to, Oh, let's do the thing Right. How? how you feel about conventions in general? what would you say?

Speaker 2:

I'm going to go with the, the throat chakra, the Vishuddha chakra. Yes, because first of all for a couple reasons. Obviously you're talking the entire time, So it's constantly expression, communication and all that, but also your throat gets wrecked.

Speaker 3:

Which is why.

Speaker 2:

I always like had to be sipping on teas and stuff like that because it's just you're just talking nonstop and drink and also probably all the drinking didn't help, yeah, drying myself out.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, i'm really interested in to see, like how this next you know I'm hoping with they say, quest, that we'll be able to go out to conventions a lot, which, by the way, if you guys want to set conventions, then please, you know, go to basic quest, calm, sign up for the mailing list and all that. Or go to our link tree and just sign up for all the things so we can start showcasing that people want us there And let us know which cons we should we should also go to, because I'd love to bring the cast out, if we can, and do some, do some shows. Once I think you get a glimpse of our world, of a hard you're gonna, you're gonna want us playing in it, so that I'm excited to see kind of what this next evolution, at least in my life, of convention going is going to be. But how about you? Where are you at on the Chuck race?

Speaker 1:

Well, since you said I was gonna go through it too, but since you said throat, i'm gonna go ahead and answer. Yeah, that's your hand. I can't copy your answer, i'll get in trouble. So I'm going to go with heart, because it to me is so, especially right now, so heartwarming to just interact with folks, especially when so much of our country and world is being torn apart and it's everyone's differences to see folks come together, especially because I now do more gaming things than comic book stuff to see people open board games, sit at tables with total strangers and tell stories And I am not trying to get too sappy on a comedy podcast, but does it get better than that in terms of just human-to-human connections, of people just telling stories together? Isn't that the goal of all of this? So it's very inspiring to me. I love it.

Speaker 2:

For sure Before we go. You got like a crazy convention moment or story or fan interaction. Let me.

Speaker 1:

I'm paused. You know what. I'll say this, and if I'm outing the voice actor. I don't think I can, because it's gonna have to be about the voice actor.

Speaker 2:

Of the voice actor.

Speaker 1:

Spongebob. It was wandering through the gas lab district at CCC.

Speaker 2:

A bunch gob. Yeah, yeah, a bunch gob, thank you Right.

Speaker 1:

And then as kind of a joke, that crew saw a guy with, like a sandwich sign. That was like, just doing, like spinning, like go to this restaurant. And then they're like, hey, go get a picture with him. And then Tom Kenny, the voice actor, yeah, and so the actor. Well, the thing is, so the actor, spongebob, goes and stands next to the guy and goes, hey, i'm getting a picture with you. And without missing a single goddamn beat, the guy spinning a sandwich sign turns and goes you're Tom Kenny, and knew exactly who it was. And it was just like you're the voice of Spongebob. And just to see that entire group go, oh, we instantly got recognized. This joke is suddenly not that funny anymore. And then we're like, oh, it's nice to meet you, man. Oh cool, do you want a signature or something? Do you want a little Spongebob drawing? And just like they had like, just like a little jokie, like we're going to get a picture with this famous sandwich sign guy, and then instantly had to revert into professional mode.

Speaker 1:

I just enjoyed that I just really enjoyed that happening And I stood there and I was like where else would this happen?

Speaker 2:

Wait, so he was wearing a sandwich sign.

Speaker 1:

Tom Kenny was No there was just a guy And the joke was let's go get a picture with just a guy doing his job. Oh gosh, Let's go get a picture with this guy. And then this, the guy doing just his job, who was supposed to just be like I'm confused, was not confused And it was instantly like you're, tom Kenny.

Speaker 1:

Oh gosh, i know you without even saying anything And then they're like he's, like I am, yeah, hey, so then took a step back. I think we're not doing a joke picture anymore. Hey, do you want a picture? And I thought that was hilarious, so amazing.

Speaker 2:

How about you? Okay, the one that comes to mind there was there was a lot of fun, crazy stuff. The Aaron Douglas, robin Thorson nights in England were really fun, but the one like moment that I had that really kind of for me I transcend, like it was both I felt like wow, how lucky am I. And oh, this is so cool, like because I'm a part of a show, i get this access. But then at the same time I was just a complete dribbling puddle on the floor of, just like enamored by another guest.

Speaker 2:

So we got to do these dinners with all the people that were repped by Aaron Gray's company, heroes for Hire, and the dinner was like everyone from Battlestar Galactica Like. And then I sat across from Edward James Olmos. I'm just like like it was. We were positioned in such a way that like if he didn't talk to me, it would have been, he would have had to work hard to not talk to me. You know what I mean. Like yeah, there was no way getting around. Like we're looking right at each other and we're kind of in this corner, so he had to find a way to make it okay And but he was absolutely lovely. It was like me, edward James Olmos And I, and I'm so sorry there was another actress there who I know is famous. I cannot remember her name because my all my you know, my eyes were only for for Jio And she was sitting there and we were like having all this conversation And at one point the actress goes and she was like on some side, like like pop, like maybe Stargate University, like some really good sci fi show that was big, and she goes.

Speaker 2:

You know, i haven't seen Battlestar yet. Like I haven't seen battles. And then I just I just went into this whole like you have to see Battlestar. Like it's so good, it's so good, and I started talking about it And I'm like it's a show about hard choices. Like it's it's more than just a sci fi show, it's like a show about. And then you know, after I said that and James Olmos is like yes, exactly, it's a show about. And then he starts geeking out about the show, and so the two of us are geeking out about Battlestar Galactica. Like it was. It was like totally surreal, where he's like he spoke about it as if he was just a fan and not the fucking main reason why the show is so great Yeah, He was like I can't remember that, my memories and great.

Speaker 2:

But like at the time I had just consumed, so I knew all the names and all the things. And so he hit me. Now I were pinging back and forth just gushing about the show And she was like, okay, i guess I'll, i guess I'll watch the show, and I'm like you're sitting next to Admiral Estama, like how dare you? And anyway. So that was like such a great, amazing interaction. And so later in the convention I was at my, at the Guild panel and we asked the question you know, who would you like? you know dream cast scenario, who would you love to be cast with on a show, or something like that? And so I say Edward James almost obviously, because I'm just like just buzzing off of this experience with him. And then, like later still, i guess, a bunch of the people in our panel went to his panel and told them, told him that. And so they're like I'm like signing and sitting at the Guild table And at one point I feel a hand, a heavy hand on my shoulder, and it's. I look up and it's.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

James, almost standing behind me, and he goes someday you and I, cindy, we'll be in a show together. We'll be in a show together, don't you worry. And I was like okay, and I forgot the whole thing. So I was like this is the weirdest, like okay, that sounds great. I forgot the context for why that was happening and then he just walked away and I swear he disappeared.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's how it felt anyway. So I'm still waiting for that day that Almost just the buddy cops. Let's make that happen, people. Here's some many more crazy convention stories. I hope you all got get to go out to your local Comic-Con, But for now we're gonna jump into our second segment, which is called real or fake.

Speaker 3:

This guy's a great big phoney.

Speaker 1:

There is.

Speaker 2:

What's that from?

Speaker 3:

It's an old, old family guy, that's incredible for the segment.

Speaker 1:

we'll be trying to figure out whether or not these conventions are real or fake, and we promise our team has done their research, so we'll be just as surprised as all of you by these names. All right, so when you want to take it away, Yes, all right.

Speaker 3:

So our first one up huh is Lean con link on no aka, the association of Lincoln presenters.

Speaker 2:

Linkon, lincoln. Yes.

Speaker 3:

Do you love honest Abe? Well, the Association of Lincoln presenters honors our country's 16th president at this annual weekend long convention Taking place in Georgia's Blue Ridge Mountains. Fellow admirers will come together to dress up as Lincoln and his wife, mary Todd Lincoln, for a weekend of Civil War tales and reenactments, real or fake.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so I was just at Blue Ridge Georgia. I was just there. I just drove through Blue Ridge Georgia and spent a couple nights there and It is. It feels Exactly like the place that this would exist. I will just say that, like it makes so much sense to me, they've like an old-timey train that you like take to a different you know a town or where, where you can stand on the border of Georgia and Tennessee. You know, i'm like being both states at once kind of thing. Like it's very I Would not be surprised that this exists. I'm gonna go real, no.

Speaker 1:

I'm saying fake. I'm a hundred percent saying fake Wow.

Speaker 2:

Why? why are you so confident? Because of the pun?

Speaker 1:

it gets the dressing up and the pun doesn't quite work.

Speaker 3:

Okay, you're locked in some deep, real fake.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah in reality.

Speaker 3:

This is real. This is a real convention. It's been going on. It's been going on for decades now And you go back to get all kinds of photos of all these people all across the country years Dove and how many years for score I?

Speaker 3:

Think when I was looking back through images which I didn't use because they were gonna give it away too much, that a lot of people do this, so I didn't go with it. There's lots and lots of photos in, but I was definitely look over. I was over 10 years back as I was going through images and had to stop going and there was more Scroll down, so probably at least 15 years that it's been going.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, this is this is an actual thing. They all get together, all these people that all you know professionally dress up as as Lincoln or as Mary Todd Lincoln.

Speaker 2:

And it is Georgia's. So so they do do one assassination a year. It's legal, that's fine. You know they, they stand their ground and it's fine.

Speaker 3:

Our next one up on the list is sharknado con. Join us at sharknado con the most exhilarating fan event of the year. Immerse yourself in a world of shark infested excitement as you rub shoulders with your favorite sharknado stars, who will share exclusive stories and insights. Explore the vibrant sharknado marketplace filled with an ocean of jaw-dropping merchandise. Best to impress in your fiercest shark theme costume, and compete in the cosplay contest for fantastic prizes. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to be part of the sharknado phenomenon one and Sorry, go ahead Yeah 100% true.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I have a question Did you did sorry in that description? Did you say where it takes place?

Speaker 3:

Uh, the description here does not say where it takes place.

Speaker 2:

No, okay, i mean, i want this to be real. You think that you're so confident?

Speaker 1:

This is real.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, are you a regular member?

Speaker 1:

What do you think I'm playing out to tomorrow?

Speaker 2:

I'm okay, so you're 100% real. Oh man, that's a good description writing. If that's not real, um, fantastic, really got me, i'm gonna. I'm gonna go real.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna go real Walked in together and I'm sorry, yeah, incorrect. This is entirely a fictitious production of Diego plus jet TPT for No. And for all the fake ones that I got that I got from Diego, i did go Google around to see if I could find like the same convention with just like a slightly different name, or like, oh, it doesn't exist because I didn't want to give you like, oh, no, it's actually called Shark connoiter or something like that. It's like yeah, yeah, i could not. I could not find a convention.

Speaker 2:

It's your, i was gonna say not real. And then your confidence through me, omar. You were so confident that I was like, oh my gosh, it has to be okay, fine, wow.

Speaker 1:

Well, we live in a world where shark weak exists.

Speaker 2:

How could this not exist? right, but see, that would make sense if it was like a shark Con, like a con that was all about, like just loving sharks and then like shark NATO had like a booth there or something, right, but a whole thing about shark NATO does seem.

Speaker 3:

Because I've been a lot of those. But at the same time, yeah, the cash you're looking at is a relatively limited pool, so you're always drawn on the same few folks for it.

Speaker 1:

So Thanks, that makes sense that I could find one, but alright, let's get his next one. Let's get next one.

Speaker 3:

Up is be kind with Ellen fans. Enter a world of love and positivity. At be kind with Ellen fans, the ultimate convention dedicated to celebrating the incredible impact of kindness. Engaged with like-minded individuals who gather to share inspiring stories, exchange transformative ideas at a good night change, experience the enchantment of compassion. At be kind with Ellen fans and join a vibrant community dedicated to cultivating a brighter, kinder world.

Speaker 1:

And the and the covers Kiwis.

Speaker 2:

I like the, the, the mission, okay, i guess okay, but I feel like, okay, that kind of kindness, like over-the-top kindness, is exhausting that sounds.

Speaker 1:

So you're saying no because you don't want it to be true. I.

Speaker 2:

Want to say no, i think. I think that doesn't exist, and especially I don't. I mean maybe. I mean Ellen is huge, but wasn't she's, you know, outed as being very, very not kind?

Speaker 1:

Sondi, bring up bringing up. People's past can be, at times, unkind. I would just like to ask two words of you. Yeah, be kind, got him.

Speaker 3:

All right, I'm real.

Speaker 1:

I'm a hundred percent saying it's real. Omar's saying real is fake.

Speaker 3:

The deepest locked in this fake. in reality, gentlemen, it is fake, yes you kidding me with this? Yeah, there is a subscription box called be kind, which is where the origin of the name for this came from, so that's why I was able to come up with a Better graphic for this one than the last they con.

Speaker 2:

But imagine how insufferable that convention would be. Everyone just getting the door for each other, like can someone go through the fucking door? There's just a line out the door because nobody wants to be first through, because they're all fighting over who's gonna hold. Yeah, yeah, we're in line at the ATM. Can you please just punch in your numbers and stop dancing.

Speaker 3:

Okay, the next one up is the redhead days festival. Come together to commissary with others, who has spent a lifetime being asked if the curtains match the drapes.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that was. Some redheads block this event each year, which?

Speaker 3:

include live music, food vendors, a petting zoo and a bounce house for all ages a.

Speaker 2:

Bounce house, obviously for all ages first of all, that's illegal.

Speaker 1:

Second of all first of all, that's.

Speaker 2:

Why is that the signature thing that you put in your description?

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's not a convention, that's just a park. Yeah, exactly, bounce houses aren't that hard to get Headline your convention with the bounce house.

Speaker 2:

Oh Man.

Speaker 1:

I'm all, oh, no.

Speaker 2:

No, it can't be Sorry. good, i was just gonna say Felicia must absolutely headline it at this convention.

Speaker 1:

That's what I'm thinking is, you would mention, you would mention your guests line up. I'm saying no, i'm saying no, voting no.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna say. I'm gonna say it's real. I'm gonna go it's real purely because I want it to be real And they're not gonna do three fakes in a row.

Speaker 3:

I'm going real. Okay, as it happens, this is real Red Head Days Festival, so this is done sometime in July in Chicago, Illinois. It's based off the Netherlands Red Head Festival, just a larger gathering that also happens in the Netherlands, so there's multiple.

Speaker 3:

So there's another much larger, much more well-known one with a that's just called the Red Head Festival. The Red Head Days Festival is also an actual thing. So again, like if it's fake, i used to have TPD for the description, but I did not. If it's a real one, if it's a real one, you get the real description. Hold on.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

It's just like July. That's the real yeah about to house. You have people with zero melatonin coming out.

Speaker 3:

This seems like a trap.

Speaker 2:

It's just a bunch of like Deborah messing heads. I'm a huge messing head man.

Speaker 1:

I'm a huge messing head.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, i don't know, it's you and his knee right head too, I'm like yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.

Speaker 2:

Where was that landing at these things?

Speaker 1:

It was flying into Chicago in July. Okay, amazing.

Speaker 3:

All right.

Speaker 2:

I'm just catching up to do that, buddy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you're really going to like just aim-wise strategy at this point you're going to have to start just going opposite of Sandeep, because if you keep choosing the same thing, you can't catch up.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so I'll answer first. There's a little bit of metagaming situation here where, yeah, all right.

Speaker 3:

Next up, we have the California Mermaid Convention.

Speaker 2:

Specifically California. Huh Yeah, join our.

Speaker 3:

California Mermaid. Convention community during a three-day mermaid extravaganza. Bring old friends meet new ones during the longest running mermaid event on the West Coast.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

From swim play to costuming, shopping and entertainment. The convention is something for everyone. Gather around the pool with your fellow aquatic creatures and enjoy a time so fun. Aerial might have reconsidered wanting those legs.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to say 100% real.

Speaker 1:

Then I say fake.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and I'm going to say it's real only because I can't understand which convention it was. But there were a lot of mermaids swimming in the pool and they convinced me to get into a mermaid thing And I swam in the pool at a mermaid. It wasn't a mermaid convention, it was another convention, but they seemed very enthusiastic about their mermaid-ness and it was, and they were good at it. By the way, it's not easy to swim in a mermaid bottom Sure, and I feel like their passion. I think they made it happen. I think they have a California mermaid convention. Yeah, let's see.

Speaker 1:

I'm saying fake because mechanically I have to. All right, did you believe it's real?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Oh, okay, As it happens, this is real. There is a D Day California mermaid convention and it is also real. They're pointing out that it's on the West Coast because there's actually another one in Key West, Florida. In fact, the first draft of this I got back had like a side-by-side thing and I had to scrap the side-by-side one because it had this versus the Florida mermaid convention and there is one. It's just not called the Florida mermaid convention, It's called the Key West one.

Speaker 3:

But it's apparently a very widespread popular convention thing to do All right, let's.

Speaker 2:

Do. I just want to say a pool full of mermaids at night at a hotel or not, like a nice hotel is like kind of the most when you, you know, especially when you are a few drinks in maybe some other substances, it's pretty, it's pretty trippy. It's a pretty trippy experience Looking at the mermaids. I like stumbled onto it and I was like what is happening?

Speaker 1:

It was awesome, let's do one last one, but winner takes all. How do you feel about that, Sandeep?

Speaker 2:

It's pretty neck to neck right now It's pretty neck to neck.

Speaker 3:

To his bet, I want to point out. So on the whole list I've got, there are five more on the list available. So this is basically winner takes all, because if you get ahead by one more.

Speaker 2:

Omar can't catch up. Let's just do like a lightning round.

Speaker 3:

Lighting round Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's okay. Little commentary, we just really fake, okay.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So the next one up here is Shrek Fests, the ultimate celebration of love, laughter and everyone's favorite green over.

Speaker 1:

Fake Real.

Speaker 2:

Omar, saying real you're saying fake. Yeah For Omar, I'm saying fake. It is I mean, it is indeed real, It was actually based where I'm currently at in Madison, wisconsin, real on them.

Speaker 3:

It's now based in Milwaukee, wisconsin. It started because somebody put up a hoax Facebook post about a Shrek fest and people showed up for it and it wasn't real And they were so upset about that but I know people showed up for it that they went. you know what we're going to make this real thing. Let's do it. I love it.

Speaker 2:

So then they made a real one and it's been going on for a year. They had to do some relocation stuff during the pandemic.

Speaker 3:

But other than that, yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's weird that Mike Myers showed up to that. He really needed it.

Speaker 3:

Okay, next up, superhero psychic symposium. It's lighting around, so just give me the first sentence on all these. Yeah, celebrate the unsung heroes of the superhero world, the sidekicks. Fake Oh you said fake, You're both. I mean you can both say fake. No, no, I'll say real, I'll say real, all right Omar.

Speaker 2:

Saying fake Yeah, it is indeed fake, all right The first one.

Speaker 3:

I get wrong on this. Yeah, If you. if you get one wrong, then that's that's it, And so he's got run away with the game.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to look at it. I'm not going to look at it, i'm not going to look at it.

Speaker 3:

I'm not going to look at it, i'm not going to look at it?

Speaker 2:

I'm not going to look at it. If you get one wrong, then that's that's it, and so he's got run away with the game. Give me the whole thing.

Speaker 1:

I want to get close, but uh, give me the whole thing. I'm taking this. It doesn't matter if you win by inch or a mile, Let's go.

Speaker 3:

All right. Next up is how to Palooza. Let your creative run wild, real. The only rule is that your hat must be outrageous.

Speaker 1:

Real, i'm not going to look at it.

Speaker 3:

So I'm sorry, Omar.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. How do you lose? How do you lose? How do you lose?

Speaker 3:

You're out. Yeah, the screenshot is actually just from a school activity where people were wearing fun hands for that school activity. Not, this is not actually from a convention, all right.

Speaker 2:

I am so sad Right. What a sad one.

Speaker 3:

All right, i'm going to go.

Speaker 1:

We only got one left, left in the list.

Speaker 2:

We might as well cover it.

Speaker 1:

We can see. Let's just do this. Winner takes all, winner takes all. Here we go.

Speaker 2:

Wait what? I don't agree this, but that All right.

Speaker 3:

The last one is frozen dead guy days. Festival goers can expect the weird and wonderful happenings from years past, but in coffin races, a polar plunge, there was plenty of new elevated twists like a frostbite, fashion show, roming free show, x a band and bloody study, brunch and more. I'm giving you the first sense that long run sense was the first sense.

Speaker 2:

I mean I guess I'll say fake for drama.

Speaker 3:

It's winter. take all You're going to say that for drama.

Speaker 2:

Well then I'll say real, but then that's. There's no drama. The games like why would I do that?

Speaker 3:

OK, well, what are you going with that?

Speaker 2:

I care about the people. I'll say fake OK, but I think it's real.

Speaker 3:

It is real Frozen dead guy days. This is this originated from a Norwegian man who was cryogenically frozen when he.

Speaker 2:

What a comeback.

Speaker 3:

So his body was shipped from from Norway to Oakland, california, to then to his children's place in Colorado. They've since made it illegal to store a dead human body on your at your house in there, but he's been grandfathered in So they've since made it legal.

Speaker 2:

They've since made it illegal.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, there were some. Yeah, there were some issues there.

Speaker 2:

There were some people getting deported and then they found some issues of people like technically not illegal, so what do you do about it?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's cryogenically frozen and we're keeping here in the shed under a cold cover. So, yeah, yeah, yeah, you got the right. That's the basis. You got the right fridge.

Speaker 2:

We got the right fridge for this Oh my gosh, You can't tell us to not keep Disney's head.

Speaker 3:

All right, well, congratulations, omar, with the semi legitimate. Come from behind the wind there at the end Back from the dead.

Speaker 1:

Here we go. All right folks.

Speaker 2:

Have you on the summer.

Speaker 1:

They'll take us over to Daisy of the week.

Speaker 2:

All right.

Speaker 1:

Since we were talking all about conventions, we figured we'd spotlight some cool days. He's hosting their own fake events this week. Our days to the week are the law Masir and Samaric ball. There is a growing trend of South Asian students at US universities holding pretend weddings, known as a mock shabby. One couple was the law Masir and Samaric ball.

Speaker 2:

This is mind boggling.

Speaker 3:

So this is on March 3rd 2023.

Speaker 2:

Bilal rides the venue, which is at Columbia University. They took out the low, the low library on a bejeweled white horse, as we do at the barat, wearing a golden shawani Meanwhile some summer, was dressed in a traditional girl and do but the and, in Shakespearean twist, he was a boy from New York University And she was the girl from Columbia, and it was the Association's largest event. How is it? OK, i don't, i'm just reading the copy. It was the Association's largest event of the semester. That's crazy, with the students who had never been involved in the school, south Asians, college groups turning up in drugs And apparently this is happening across There's happening at other schools.

Speaker 2:

are doing these fake huge they see weddings they see shabbies And this is I don't know, this is wild, i mean.

Speaker 1:

I'm surprised I haven't been invited.

Speaker 2:

frankly, I'm pretty upset about it.

Speaker 1:

I would love to be invited. Maybe we could do a speech at the next one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for sure. I mean there's like I can't imagine like there's already such a long at any Indian wedding. There's such a long lineup of like shows where, like literally every cousin has to do a dance or whatever And you're like, ok, cool, it's the seventh dance of the night. I can't imagine at at a college party. Like how long that like talent showcase must be like they're like. Now let's do a mock debate, like everyone Must be so long and crazy.

Speaker 1:

I love it, so some are below. We salute you. You are the dacies of the week. Congratulations And folks. That's our show, as always. If you want to see our lovely faces, all the VOD and other ways you can hang out with us are in the show notes. Please write and comment. It really helps us out. Go to where you listen to the podcast, rate it, leave a comment, because that helps us. so so so, so, so much. But hey, if you want to give us a comment, suggestion, feedback or any other message directly sent to us, hit us up at a VCD podcast show at gmailcom or hop in our discord. Thank you very much.

Speaker 2:

All right, and so last, shout out to our sponsors Desi Quest, the TTRPG that stars us and some other great folks. It's going to be great. Go to DesiQuestcom to sign up for that mailing list And we'll give you up to the minute news about the show.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, yes. Now it's time for us to thank some folks who are near and dear to our heart, isn't that right?

Speaker 2:

That's right. That's right, as always. Here's my Oh yeah please.

Speaker 1:

Well, i was just going to say it's time to thank the patrons who keep us going.

Speaker 2:

The last people I'd like to thank are the patriots who put money into our bank, which include Joshua Ryan Talbiam, carlo Uzak, benjamin Lowe, hunter B Brown, miranda Hollinger, vaden Michael Long, christina Romero, danny's Corner, ray Lynn Fox, selena B, adam Nickerson, nibbish Hurtak, nervous Rex, sarah H Grassley, santa Cruz and Detective Catapult Jeremy O'Brien, pete Russell, pete Russell, veracusseau, varun Moldivore, ali Ali Oxenfree, philip Dyson a couple each like the Ducati, reverend Cattino. And then you know this girl she's got the spark. That's our friend, laura Clark, and we love scribbles and flapjacks. They're the best And the last thing about this guy. He's got a gorgeous face, the sexiest man in Ohio. His name is the real brand in pace.

Speaker 1:

That's right, this show is pretty funny. Oh now, this is just a good record. The podcast is that It's Devon Neville. This shows executive producers are Sandeep Parikh and Anand Shah. This is edited by Sean Mayer, music by Harshil Sassodia, javier Singh and Marwan Zaveri. This has been an effing funny production. On behalf of our cohost, sandeep Parikh, i've been your host, amar Nijam. May your checkers be aligned and smothered in chutney.

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