American Born Chatty Desis (A·B·C·D)

The Karma of Going Viral ~ Journey of 'Namaste' from India to the West - (A·B·C·D) Podcast Episode 14

EffinFunny Season 1 Episode 14

Can you believe it? One of our stand-up clips has officially gone viral with a staggering 1.4 million views on Instagram! Join me, your host Omar, my co-host Tom, our technical director Delvin, and special guest Tom Deepari as we ride this rollercoaster of virality. We'll be navigating the often rough waters of cultural identities, and of course, we'll be introducing a new segment called Whoops! where we read your comments and share our thoughts.

Ever wondered how the term 'Namaste' has made its journey from Indian culture to the yoga studios of the West? We're dissecting its spiritual significance and the implications of its widespread use and misuse. Join in the debate, as we challenge the stereotype of yoga instructors and the unintentional humor they often fall into. And as we navigate the tricky path of cultural appropriation, we also take a humorous detour into how phrases like 'goodbye' and 'Namaste' have evolved over time.

We're also shining a spotlight on an underappreciated figure in history, Dr. Buggot Sing Tind, whose fight for US citizenship and incredible contributions to metaphysics and religion continue to inspire us. And to keep you on your toes, we've got a surprise announcement about a special interview in our next episode. So, buckle up! It's going to be a thrilling ride full of laughs, debates, and perhaps even some enlightenment.

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Speaker 1:

Oh yes, welcome. Oh my gosh. Oh wow, did you see the streaker in the crowd? and that one, omar? He's got a streaking, he's been tackled and apprehended. Oh gosh, there he goes, there goes your friend, that's a life lead. So what was it? One of your top eight on Myspace? Is that my close friend?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that was Tom. actually, That was Tom.

Speaker 1:

That was actually Tom. Wow, how the mighty have fallen. Yeah, shows up to a fake audience on our podcast. Tom, you can do better. Hey, welcome everybody. Welcome to ABCD. I am your sub host this week. I am your co-host, So before we go any further, allow me to introduce you to our host, a guy whose social media posts are so shareable They call him the human popular man virus, omar Mijom, omar Mijom, god of that one.

Speaker 3:

We don't check in with each other about these intros and maybe we can get a little bit of a break. We don't check in with each other about these intros and maybe we probably should because everyone, i'd like to welcome your co-host. Somebody called Dr Fauci because he's going viral. It's Tom Deepari.

Speaker 1:

Bam bam. I buy that. I was like did you also do a human papillomabase? Bad pun joke. I'm going to be insane. Oh my gosh, anoculate yourself from this guy, all right? Yeah, well, hey, look, as you guys all know, probably at this point, or if you don't, then you're going to know now our co-host and host status switch is based upon who won last week, and so one of the sort of mini game that we do in the show. And Omar, yeah, so you're the top dog here.

Speaker 3:

By a Fleetwood Mac landslide, if I'm not mistaken.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you crushed. What is that? What's the reference? I don't know it.

Speaker 3:

It's the song landslide. Oh wait, Oh yes, Yes.

Speaker 1:

I was like oh, is there a specific number that you won by And it's a Fleetwood Mac landslide, All right. Well our show. First of all, before I continue, can we hear Delvin? Can everybody hear Delvin? I don't want to have that same problem we had last time. Delvin, do we all hear you on this show?

Speaker 2:

We did. We checked that before we were live. That has been resolved. Currently Glorious. Hello, obs, change it again.

Speaker 1:

Glorious, All right, Perfect, Hey. Well, listen our show. So Delvin is our, is our technical director. You give it up for Delvin. I mean we love it. Someone's streak for Delvin in the audience Can?

Speaker 2:

we get another streak.

Speaker 1:

Can we release Tom for a moment?

Speaker 3:

Oh, that was the founder of Friendster. Thank you Oh.

Speaker 1:

Bill, i don't know who. that was. Okay, bill, all right, bill. Our show ABCD is American born chatty day seas. It's a podcast with a live stream within our two lives as American born day seas. It's a pod duck and delicious creamy meaty It's all the adjectives you want. This is for anyone out there who, like us, are navigating our cultural identities. Just want to chat it out, So chat it out.

Speaker 2:

That's right. So, usually on.

Speaker 3:

ABCD. we have a strict format that we like to stick to, but this time All of that out the window.

Speaker 1:

Get out of here, get out the window, get out format For those who don't know?

Speaker 3:

one of Santip's standup clips went viral. That's why we made all those great jokes at the top Damn. We read over 1.4 million views on Instagram And let's just say it's kind of a share fair of trolling comments.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Share fair. So we're going to do a brand new segment called whoops. We read the comments and we're going to comment on the comments.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, never read the comments, but we're going to do anyway, that's right. So, following in our parents footsteps, as best we can, we feed everyone that comes into our purview, including the trolls. We love to feed the trolls, you know, we got to do it. It's our day seed way. We're going to give them some snacks and chai. So we're going to read those comments, we're going to discuss if they have any validity in terms of the disdain they have for my general being, and then we're going to write them. You know, maybe in terms of heart wrenches and terms of gut punches, or You know whatever, or whatever dumb rating system we, yeah, come up with off the cuff there. We'll have fun with that.

Speaker 3:

And then we're going to do our day. Seed of the week and then the dumb pod.

Speaker 1:

Oh, did I freeze or did Omar?

Speaker 3:

freeze. One more thing.

Speaker 1:

Well, omar, wait, you froze.

Speaker 3:

You got to go back and take it again and take it from, and then I'm back, and then we're going to do our day seed of the week, and then the bomb podcast is over. You can live the rest of your life on the front page of Reddit like Sandy, that's right.

Speaker 1:

Oh, and one more thing. I should post a Reddit. One more thing we do have this time. So the follower number started to creep up here and getting close to that 10 K mark, which is very sexy. So, oh, you're supposed to say this. That's okay, i'm going to say it anyway. We're currently at 9,897. If we reach, is that all right? If we reach 10,000, we're just going to do an extra seven minutes. That's right. Seven whole minutes, seven, oh, is that 130? Wait, seven times What's seven times six, again 42.

Speaker 3:

Yep 420. Did I get that right? Oh my gosh, that's not right.

Speaker 1:

I don't think that's the right number. We're going to do 420. Yeah, very It's. That's a pretty number 420. So, funny, so funny, you guys Of rapid fire podcast based solely on the suggestions from our live chat. That's right. You, the live chat, you're going to come in, you're going to give us ideas And then we're going to pretend to be experts and whatever those Ideas are. We like this, we love it If we get.

Speaker 2:

That's if we get to 10 K we're.

Speaker 1:

you know, we'll see. We got a hundred to go. ish, we can do it, Let's do it.

Speaker 3:

Folks, put your phones and start texting texting your friends, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Text your friends, get them on the Instagram. Why not? Let's do it right here? Hey, we got sponsors. You know that, omar, i didn't.

Speaker 3:

I didn't tell me more. Well, but the same thing We had last week, so it's weird that you didn't know.

Speaker 1:

First is they see quests, which is an actual play TTRPG set in the South Asian mythological inspired universe built by Jasmine, that bronze girl Buller. She is the GM game master of the show. It's got a crazy good cast. It includes critical role darling Anjali Bimani, dimension 20, darling Reika Shankar, and the other two, these two darlings, me and the Omar Ness. And so for more info on that and to get on our mailing list, please hit up DesiQuestcom D E, s, i, q U E S, t, dot C O M, because nobody knows how to spell dot com right, or click the link in our show notes And then our next sponsor, right, it's you.

Speaker 1:

Oh, man, yeah, that's right In this case. It's very true. We have patriots that help you, help us keep the lights on. I'll be singing to you. In the credits, as per the Patreon level that you're on, they sing your name. So if you want to hear that voice, bring out your name, this beautiful, sultry voice. Then I head on over to patreoncom. Slash f in funny, e, f, f, i, and funny, and joy, and joy.

Speaker 3:

There it is, there it is. So before we get to our new segment, whoops, we read the comments. Why don't we do a quick check and just to center ourselves? Okay, let's do it. Yeah, there it is. One breath in, one breath out. We should do it twice more, but we don't got time, so your post has been doing numbers pal.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's been fun, fun numbers and some numbers. Yeah, it's been really great. I love numbers.

Speaker 3:

Are you driven? Are you driven by numbers? Are you driven by stats?

Speaker 1:

Well, i think this is the perfect thing to check or check in, because it I can.

Speaker 1:

You can see the beast you know kind of forming within your body and, like I'm like checking it all the time Cause like once the you know something starts to take off, it's really hard to go on with the rest of your life without feeling like I need to know if that number is hit 10, which is why we're doing a podcast where I'm looking at the fucking follower account in front of my face as I'm talking, not go up, and then a little piece of me dies inside And you just get caught. You're in the waves. You're in the waves, you know, of the ups and downs. You're reading the comments. You're starting to get all the, the, the flurry of negative and positive energy being like you know, people are just like praising you like crazy and then trying to tear you down the next instant And it's really like it's just, i don't know. It feels like when the, the people do the lie detector tests and that they're like they know they're lying, and that's like it goes, like crazy, like you feel like.

Speaker 1:

I'm good. I'm in one of those moments. I'm on this trip in Washington DC with my family and I the urge to check my phone is like tripled. It's awful, it's terrible. Got it, it's terrible And and literally I'm doing nothing. You know I'm the clip is already out there, like my job is done. You know the algorithm has taken it over. There's nothing that my checking it is going to do to help or hurt this, but the beast, you know that like that, the, the, the craving monster that wants more and more and more, gets really like. You know a spike, a double espresso, and it's like let's, let's do this. See numbers. It's crazy, it's crazy. Have you had that experience? What about with quarterfane flowers? or like silly or something? or Twitter, your tweets there, your Twitter tweets? Yeah, do some numbers.

Speaker 3:

It one time I the first time, I think one of my tweets just went out into the, into the world, like a child going off to school. I had a fever and I just posted to something that made no sense. Yeah, he had a fever, it was just like going off Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So you kind of you kind of you, your internet jumped a little bit in and out. there, omar, i'm going to add it. So I think it caught a fever itself. So what was that you were saying?

Speaker 3:

My internet. Yeah, my net was feverish, just like I was. I had a fever, so I just posted something that made no sense about talking to a child I didn't have using emojis, and then it turned really dark And then I went to sleep for like 18 hours, wow, cause I was sick. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then I woke up.

Speaker 3:

It was after that I started to check it. Yeah, but it was like, to a certain point it was weird because then it was like it got to folks who I really admired, like a lot of like my nerd heroes were commenting on it, and so it was just a weird thing where I was like do I respond to them and be like I loved Gravity Falls, or do I just go like thanks for the like or not acknowledge it at all? Do I just like okay?

Speaker 1:

So what did?

Speaker 3:

you do, what did you?

Speaker 1:

do? Did you respond?

Speaker 3:

A few times I did. Scott McCloud is the author of books about writing comics And I was just like, hey, sorry, real quick, i do have to break the bit. I'm a huge fan. And he was like well, i'm a huge fan of yours now. And I was like, please, not for this, please, let it be for something. I actually did.

Speaker 1:

For this, not like this For your 140 character accomplishment. I now also deem you an equal.

Speaker 2:

It's me I'll see you at the Eisner Awards. Like no, it's not happening.

Speaker 3:

But that's the thing. Mine is always like something silly. Yeah, it's always. Yours is work, like yours is something you do. Yours is being recognized for your craft. How does that make you feel that you did something you know? you know for good comments or for bad comments, that is that is resonating with people, that people responding to. How does that make you feel?

Speaker 1:

Well, let me bring it. Let me bring it to the chakras, because the chakras, as see, that's already going to be an issue in the comments. It's how we mispronounce things. That's already going to be a thing. You know, we're not Indian enough to comment, to even say the word chakra, but like, because I think it goes right into that hard chakra for me And it's yeah, it kind of I can feel it there because it's it's, you know, this is our, you know, obviously our emotional center And, and I think for me it's like the wave analogy is actually a good one.

Speaker 1:

We're like, you know, when you are your better self and, i think, not riding along the waves, and you're a little bit more like the witness to all the action that's happening, and neither kind of taking it for good or for for ill in terms of your own personal ego, like then you're like underneath the waves, like you're deeper in the ocean And you're like kind of a little bit calmer down there, but like it's very easy to kind of to plop up to the surface again and and go up and down with it.

Speaker 1:

You know, I think that, like it's I'm not even sure if I'm necessarily answering your question, but, like I guess you know, it's important to remember that the numbers do not a career make. We lost our, lost our mark. Wow, this has just been a technical delight.

Speaker 2:

I want you to waste your due.

Speaker 1:

This is a technical delight. This is the two. Do we need to do any sort of like while we are broken here? Do we need to do like any sort of a reset for Omar?

Speaker 2:

I mean with him dropping in and out. He clearly is refreshing on his end to get in, Yeah, But yeah, I don't know what's up with his real boy. It's just like struggling everything right now.

Speaker 1:

And my back, omar, can you hear us?

Speaker 3:

Yes, I can hear you. Can you hear me?

Speaker 1:

Oh, I cannot hear him. Can you hear him?

Speaker 2:

I cannot hear him. Somehow he is transmitting video to private link but not in my back, my back. Talk to you, i don't know how that's happened.

Speaker 3:

I don't know if you can hear us. I can hear you.

Speaker 2:

Oh, Mark can hear me Oh, are you by chance using Safari or something You wouldn't use? Safari, you're not a Mac, eh.

Speaker 1:

You wouldn't dare, you wouldn't debase yourself.

Speaker 2:

You can't just inflict safari on another machine that didn't have it. So I mean I'm getting Omar's video for the stream, even though he's not in the control room.

Speaker 1:

That's weird. Maybe just totally close it out and cut and hop on back in What's.

Speaker 2:

Chad saying, oh, he's in the room, do I?

Speaker 3:

exist again. Am I real? Yep, you exist.

Speaker 2:

So you were able to hear Sandeep, but you weren't able to hear me.

Speaker 3:

Yes, but Chad could hear me, chad could hear you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, yeah, because your private link that goes into OBS out to stream that one was still working, But the way that you talk to me and Sandeep is being in the control room.

Speaker 1:

Somehow you managed to only connect to one.

Speaker 2:

I don't know how you did that.

Speaker 1:

Tell me if you can do me a favor and note this time code, because I don't have any ability to know anything about the time code. Yeah, great, glorious. Thank you live stream audience for hanging out and bearing with us this week.

Speaker 3:

Thank you everyone, Yep.

Speaker 2:

You know John's going to suddenly cut to just like a one up of one of you here for some reason in the middle of this conversation.

Speaker 3:

No one be any wiser because of all the tech issues I would love to tack on. even if you got a duck out, sandeep, two minutes, i'll do. I'll do a rapid fire. I'll do, i'll do a little rapid fire.

Speaker 1:

Great Listen, I'll stay to buddy. I can do the two minutes. So for those of you excited to, you know, do two minutes of choppy internet rapid fire with It's like it's not while you're connected.

Speaker 2:

If you're internet goes down, the timer stops.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like, it's like it's like it's like when, like a restaurant, like totally does, like you know, like there's a rat tail in my food. Don't worry, you know what. We're going to bring you a whole extra meal for us. And you're like no I think I'm good.

Speaker 3:

This one will have more.

Speaker 1:

Yeah exactly You can hear for the rest of your life for free, sir, like no, i'm going to pass. Um, all right, let's, uh, let's what's a good place to pick this up.

Speaker 3:

I was kind of rambling. anyway, i'll ask one more follow up question.

Speaker 1:

Okay, great, Yeah, good good.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so let me, let me uh, let me ask you a.

Speaker 2:

You're kidding me, Omar.

Speaker 1:

This is a cursed.

Speaker 3:

This is a cursed stream. We can do it All. right, I'm back. Everybody back to one. Yeah, all right, let me ask you a crown. Check your questions on the. Please, let's get into that crown. Do you want this to happen again?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, fuck, yeah, okay but I, i want it to happen again. I don't want to be, uh like a slave to the, to the outcome of it, or like what, like the thing that I, the thing that I like to do, is actually capture the feeling, like the good feelings, from it, you know, and like just kind of like live there for a minute, you know, like breathe in that and not not necessarily crave the more. You know, not be like, oh my God, i got it, i got to do it again, and just like keep going with the process, like I enjoy sharing my clips. I think it's, you know, good for my career, um, but I don't want to worry that another one's not going viral or, when it does, also be like having that urge to check it every five minutes. I hope I'm cooler the next time.

Speaker 1:

I mean like, look, it's not my first time ever going viral, like, uh, you know, in the guild and legend and Neil and some other stuff that I've created has done numbers in the past and that was felt really good, um, but it's the first time in this like kind of new, like the newer world of it, the Instagram world of it, that I haven't, you know, really experienced that, um, and so, yeah, I just want to be like cooler about it and not have it sort of did yeah, dig into any of my chakras like I don't have any effect any of that. Uh, really, so that's I love that, that's what I hope for. That's what I hope for, um fantastic.

Speaker 3:

Well, now that we've done the full check in, should we move on to our new segment? I think we should.

Speaker 1:

All right, god damn it should.

Speaker 3:

Time for whoops. we read the comments And now we're going to comment on them.

Speaker 1:

Mm, hmm, mm, hmm, um, while we play the actual video first. Okay, so that that did the little viral thing. Mm, hmm, tell me, let's do it. Hit it. Who wants to be led on a little Indian secret? Good, uh, so Namaste doesn't mean what you think it means. Um, i know your, your yoga teacher, celestia, will have you believe.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you guys, i'll take the same class, cool, Uh that you know it's like Oh, it's the the, the divine light inside of me sees and recognizes the divine light inside of you, which is beautiful. It's a beautiful sentiment. Um, it's just not how us Indians use the term for. For my family It means this Sup, just like a second definition, hey, just like a casual. Just a casual hello.

Speaker 1:

And so here's what's really happening at the end of our yoga sessions. I've been Celestia, follow me on Instagram. Everybody take a deep breath together as a class. What's up? And I was up to you And I was up to you. So I I now almost hate that joke because I've heard it so much because of the constant checking up the numbers. But, um, what are your comments? What would your comments be on that? on that bit, omar?

Speaker 3:

uh hilarious And uh thankful. Thank, thank God. someone's saying it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, that's kind of like you know, of course everybody wants praise, but I was kind of hoping for a lot of like, um, i feel like as an Indian dude or Indian American dude going into these yoga classes, which I love, by the way. I do yoga three times a week. I go to hot yoga. I love you. I've been doing yoga since I was a kid. I love it, um, and I love I do genuinely love everybody's passion, for I think it's funny that many of the very kids that used to make fun of me for all the weird Indian shit that I did as a kid growing up are now the very ones that are like so I heard your dad teaches, uh, teachers training for yoga.

Speaker 1:

Like can I, can I get a discount for taking class with them? Like I'm like, wait, you bullied me for this. You're not allowed to get a discount. Fuck off, nathan. Well, now I need you, yeah, and uh, it's just funny, uh, but I enjoy that. It's like kind of gotten out to the world. I mean, i think anybody who does yoga is like wants more people, is like the world would be a better place, kind of, if more people did yoga. So I hope nobody feels discouraged from the joke. Uh, but I did think it was always funny that people would end the class with Namaste, because it's always been traditionally a greeting in my life. So that was the general joke. Yeah, now some of the comments, not so.

Speaker 3:

Okay, let's get let's get into it.

Speaker 1:

I yeah, not so much. Let's get into it. Um, well, don't want you to hit us with some comments and then we'll react to them, all right. So this first one um, why don't you read them? or because on my screen I can. I can't really read them.

Speaker 3:

Um, i also hear, let me expand my bad boy here, all right. Uh, the comment here is I'm sorry, you think I'm sorry that you think it's funny to devalue the spirituality of your own culture. I'm sad that you think it's funny because you have internalized someone else's voice and judgment of you. In any event, namaste is the spiritual meaning and I sincerely wish you all the best. Peace, brother, peace, peace.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's nice at the end. That's nice. See, i want to like, you know, i, i like. There's the critique at the beginning and the like uh, you know this broad claim that I'm devaluing this spirituality.

Speaker 3:

Um, it's no no no, it's on the.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to, i'm, i'm, i'm lying in the sand.

Speaker 3:

Anyone who says I'm sorry and doesn't mean it is just the pettiest possible person.

Speaker 1:

So, it doesn't mean anything because you've, you've already tried to shift the bed in the beginning. Are you telling me he doesn't wish me the best? Hold on a second Cause.

Speaker 3:

I take everything at face value to to, uh, so thoroughly say things that you don't mean and then try to have your point understood is the wildest sort of paradox that you could come into a conversation with.

Speaker 2:

You know right, right, it's opposite day.

Speaker 3:

Anyway, i'm right And you're like what?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Uh, yeah, it's funny, So it's it. So there's a lot of these. There's a lot of these kinds of things And I was expecting honestly, I was expecting that more from this podcast than I was from this particular standpoint, But I do think it's probably some of it, because the way I frame it right, Like some of the framing of it, is like you know, Indians use it this way and people like wait, i'm Indian and I don't use it that way.

Speaker 1:

He's trying to speak for me and he's got a white guy voice is like kind of what? so he's got a Western voice? Um, how dare he? Um, but uh, yeah, so look and then my favorite, though, is the follow up. Yeah, the follow up is from Jeffrey J F F R R Y. Shout out to him because I found the comment He goes Oh, found Celestia's IG account. So I did not feel the need to clap back on this one, because Jeffrey did the job for us, i think. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah To fry. Um, we love you and appreciate you. And look, i I'm not going to listen, i'm not going to get angry at that. I, as I said, i love yoga. I'm not going to start throwing hate or spewing hate at these trolls.

Speaker 1:

I just think it's funny when it's someone is talking about, like the spiritual meaning of something is so beautiful, as Namaste is, of course, derived from this, this meaning of the you know, of bowing to to someone to respect you, and it is generally used in a respectful manner. It is also used casually, at least around my family Like, maybe not like it's not. Of course it's not sup. I know I hate to break it to the believer, the hardcore believers in my, in my standup, the people who took it as gospel. But yeah, if you do look up the sunscreen Oxford English dictionary, or the sunscreen for it, miriam Webster's, it does not actually say sup is the definition. They got me there. They got me there. It does have a spiritual derivation. But I think it's funny that people will be like, be, like, you know, fuck you, man, you're not getting the spirituality. We're like someone's angry about something. So like I think maybe you're not getting the spirituality right. Possibly It's like a.

Speaker 3:

Star Wars when they're like anger leads to the dark side. You idiot, do you?

Speaker 2:

understand that And you're like, you're yelling.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

But he did wish. like I said, they did wish me all the best. I'm going to take that to mean that they did really wish me all the best. Okay, Because they did write sincerely, And we all know when they do that they think they're like, listen, it's which. so I'm going to give them only what's our metric for this Three out of five.

Speaker 2:

It's your own metric on every comment. It doesn't even have the same system.

Speaker 1:

Right, right, exactly. Yeah, i'm going to give them three out of five back stabs.

Speaker 3:

Three out of five back stabs.

Speaker 1:

Let me give.

Speaker 3:

I was going to value this one pretty low on back stabs, but I just want to check something really quickly. Give me a second, here we go.

Speaker 1:

I'm just, let me check, here You're going to check the gram Here we go. I'm just going to make sure that they're white guy, I mean you set the date range to the last month.

Speaker 3:

Okay, i'm just okay, here we go. I got a website that's tracking the value of our culture. It did, in fact, go down when you posted the video.

Speaker 1:

Okay, So that's a pretty good point.

Speaker 3:

So I'm actually going to give four out of five.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you're right. Yeah, so did actually devalue. So those of you trading in the futures of the spirituality for, for, for Hindu culture and or Indian culture, then yes, i'm so sorry to have dropped the date, i have dropped the value of it.

Speaker 2:

So right now it's looking that up. Indian culture is it's officially a sell right now in Indian culture? Is that our advisement?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly So. I'm getting confused. What is this?

Speaker 2:

The price is going down, then you should sell, you should sell, sell, sell. So become a yoga teacher, you can sell it.

Speaker 1:

I'm confused. now, all right.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to go ahead and up here.

Speaker 1:

Let's get another one.

Speaker 3:

All right. So with this new knowledge there are now, there now needs to be the Indian version of the Budweiser. What's up, commercial? Yo Sandeep, pick up the phone. Namaste, okay, okay.

Speaker 1:

So this is a positive comment on this. Let me like this comment. We like go five, go for this, yes. And then I wrote back immediately driving to Budweiser offices to make this pitch. I don't know where the Budweiser offices are. I just went to in hyzer, i think. Is that a place? Yeah, i just typed it into Google maps and I went there.

Speaker 3:

There's nobody answered.

Speaker 1:

I had knocked on every door and no one answered.

Speaker 3:

There is a giant factory or bottling facility just off the street from the 405. And I know that when people are visiting and driving north, I go, oh, and that's the Budweiser spot.

Speaker 1:

No one.

Speaker 3:

That's that. That's what my tour is.

Speaker 1:

Okay, well, i'm going to go there and we're going to redo these commercials. I'm going to go to the other commenters.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to go to the other commenters. All the other commenters will love that. Yeah, yeah. Budweiser is really is really going to pop off. Budweiser is going for, like we want to tell the most toxic part of our consumer base We hate you Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, they didn't have this whole Bud Light commercial thing right? Wasn't there this whole Bud Light commercial thing where they like pro, what was the car? I only saw the reaction to it. I actually never even saw the commercial. It's like it was like a pro LGBT.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, the rainbow can.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the rainbow, yeah, exactly. And then? Yeah so there you know. We love us in the but the Budweiser people.

Speaker 2:

There's no brown on that rainbow, though I got to say.

Speaker 1:

We need a brown bow. We need a brown bow just to get from shades of brown rainbow. So yeah, look, the was a commercial. By the way, I saw that in its original form, The what like before was ever before is ever. I don't think it was a commercial yet, It was just the frogs in nature.

Speaker 3:

Like what? what do you mean?

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, no no, so before that it was just these. It was a skit that these guys shot. It was like it was like a little short skit And it was actually put at the beginning of the, the movie Puddle Cruiser, which the guys who made Super Troopers They that was their first like indie film that they made as college students together And the Broken Lizard, yeah, and they went around to colleges and they toured this movie Puddle Cruiser And at the beginning of it they had the was up skit and it was like not a Budweiser thing at all. And then I guess that skit got discovered by someone at Budweiser, i assume, and then they turned it into a Budweiser ad campaign.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I didn't know that that's broken lizard.

Speaker 1:

So the more you know, another rainbow appears. That's broken lizard, yeah Yeah, and I'm excited to see their new movie. Anyway, ok, enough tangent, let's get on to the next comment.

Speaker 2:

Hang on, we got to. We got to rate this. We got to get a final rating here. We got to rate this comment.

Speaker 1:

Oh, so you know I'm going to give this, you know, a five out of five brown rainbows. That's what I'm giving it. How about you?

Speaker 3:

Amazing. I'm going to give it six out of five brown rainbows. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I knew you'd try to talk me son of a bitch. All right, what's up next?

Speaker 3:

Let's see Here we go. This comment says that like how goodbye came from God. be with you. And now it's twisted into by.

Speaker 1:

OK. So I like this comment from Burris comma Ben I hope I'm saying your name right, burris comma Ben Because I think this is a good response to some of the people that are really upset that I'm devaluing the spirituality of the word. Must it, which is like words, change their meaning over time And they're used in different connotations, in different ways? right, like so goodbye? I don't think anybody, not very many people, are saying God, be with you when they say goodbye anymore, right, and certainly not when they're saying bye. But you know, it would be a more beautiful sentiment if, with everybody, they actually were saying you know, you know, sure, yeah, with you, happy with you.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, on my way out of Easter Mass in the morning.

Speaker 2:

That was.

Speaker 3:

Bye, he's Yeah, bye.

Speaker 1:

I think I'm trying to think of like famous goodbyes, and now trying to, i can't. I can't think of any and my brain is fried. But God, look, the point is, or you know what was that skit? or something like bye, bye, and then bye, bye, but I was David Spade and bye, bye, you know I'm talking about the airplane. Yeah, and goodbye.

Speaker 3:

Do you think David Spade was blessing? us every time that he said that.

Speaker 1:

I think that's my point. That was exactly my point, yeah, as I think he was blessing us over a single time.

Speaker 3:

But I'm David.

Speaker 1:

Spade. Yeah, thanks, david Spade. All right, i give this one, i give this for its informational acumen, or this. you know the, the power of the, the information I'm going to give it who? six out of seven. encyclopedia Britannicus.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

So I'm.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Omar, i believe in you.

Speaker 1:

Omar, i believe in your Internet, i believe in us. I don't know you are OK, i'm, so I gave it six out of seven. Yeah, encyclopedia Britannicus, which is honestly a very frustrating rating, because if you're missing one of the encyclopedia Britannicus, that's pretty annoying, but what do you give it?

Speaker 3:

I don't know I'll give it eight out of seven.

Speaker 1:

Oh, so you're making up for the one. So you took the one You took. Why do you have two? J's You son of a few rotten human Yeah?

Speaker 3:

All right And encyclopedia.

Speaker 1:

All right, let's go to the next comment. OK, all right.

Speaker 3:

All right, here we go. You ready for this?

Speaker 1:

I'm ready.

Speaker 3:

The wassup.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I hate to draw this out. I'm wondering if we need to have Omar just like go to a, like a modem reset or something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if we do.

Speaker 2:

Or do you have access to the right real quick? Yeah, yeah, i will pick it up from this comment on the wassup.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let me give it a shot. Sean's going to love this episode. What's up chat? Let me try to find chat on my phone and see if I can do it that way.

Speaker 2:

Crystal, why Cape, said the flight attendant sketch recognizing your David Spade reference Nice, sorry, reverend David Spade. Reference Sturma 1022, also saying it's classic Linda, linda, linda, listen, says bye, i think also you know, blessing you and and yours APD71, he's gone, wait, he's back. Oh no, he's gone. No, wait, there he is And cool It kind of worked out dropping off on the wassup.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh. Yeah, i kind of did. Maybe we'll keep that. Please add another marker to this thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I already threw a marker for his blipping habit. That's right Another marker in when he's like actually back, Hopefully. I hope you dig, it was passing those on to Sean because Sean's not grabbing him up to it. She won't see them.

Speaker 1:

Well, dig is not here with us right now. He quote had a thing come up. Oh, did he. Was it our Lord and Savior Jesus?

Speaker 2:

Grace rising again. Could have been Might, have been Might have been returning my calls.

Speaker 1:

No judgment. Who Jesus hasn't been?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Maybe he probably changed his number after the red Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, man, Like we get we're in the same fantasy football league. It's just like a one thing. It's like we're not that close.

Speaker 3:

but we got, we got to just sit on the trade.

Speaker 2:

Well, because he kept, like he kept doing that waiver wire. Well, like he's picking somebody up and then dropping them because, like, the rules on that one were like, if they're not in your lineup, you can drop me when they play their game. They kept picking people up and then the game would start and then do drop somebody else up, just like try to like keep people like on the waiver cooldown. He wasn't even playing them.

Speaker 1:

Classic Jesus.

Speaker 2:

And every time I try to bring it up, I'm not. Let's you know what's going to happen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, he always pulls out, Come on turn the other cheek, delvin, and I'm not a cheat with you, man.

Speaker 2:

Jesus Christ.

Speaker 1:

Hey, don't use my name in vain. You said that You're in trouble for that. You're. You're up the creek. I'm trying to see if I can. Why can't I see chat in the? I don't ever use the twitch thing on the phone. Oh, I see.

Speaker 2:

I mean honestly, i would just go to just open your browser on your phone, just go to twitchtv, slash fmfoney, slash chat. Instead of opening it because that way you'll just literally only just be chat there.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's cool. Exterminate pointing out that.

Speaker 2:

Omar, dropping and coming back in is unexpectedly entertaining, so maybe we'll just have to.

Speaker 1:

So maybe we shouldn't reset them. This is part of the podcast. Just roll with it.

Speaker 2:

David Jobs agreeing.

Speaker 1:

Have money, sir.

Speaker 2:

He put the sauce in Jesus. What do you say? Oh, so like do the regular the regular address, but just add slash chat at the end of it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, ok, got it Yo, or sorry, sup, that's a little chat into chat. Also, we have cross. I got to sign in. God damn it.

Speaker 2:

We're at 9900 followers. Should I just hit that nice even number?

Speaker 1:

Nice even number. That's pretty juicy. Thank you for everybody who followed. If you hadn't followed, thank you for everybody creating dummy accounts and following with them as well. You're just as valuable to me. Should I not sign in as effing funny because I would mess things up?

Speaker 2:

No, that's fine, Just don't click start. Even if you click start streaming, it won't break. We figured out that you can't take it away.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, right, You can't once I have control, it's mine. Yeah, they got wise to that Smart.

Speaker 3:

Look at this so fresh and so clean.

Speaker 1:

Right, yes, i hear you Possibly.

Speaker 2:

I hear you and you immediately. Either you froze or you're holding very still to troll us.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no, okay, I Don't see him. Do you see him?

Speaker 2:

He was, he was here.

Speaker 1:

I guess this has to be the bit now. I mean, amazing, i'm gonna have to make an and he's gone emote. Now It's just. It's just like an animated emote of Omar, like I'm disappearing there he is, look at this so fresh and so clean. He said that last time. Now I'm not sure if it's a. Is this on a loop? what's happening right now?

Speaker 3:

Wow, look at this so fresh and so clean.

Speaker 2:

Replaying midway through.

Speaker 1:

There's a glitch in the matrix. Oh, fuck my, my airpods are down to 10%. This is What was that?

Speaker 2:

noise. I was rewinding the Elmar tape back to the beginning.

Speaker 3:

There it is all right, we get this in 10%.

Speaker 1:

I'm, i'm, so I'm gonna go to single, single earbud and charge the other one and then switch it out. See how this goes, okay.

Speaker 3:

All right, you ready for this comment? Yeah, let's go. All right, the what's up in me sees and recognizes the what's up in you.

Speaker 1:

So this is a great comment, and what I love about this comment is that, by the way, i've done this joke many times now on stage and I've added this not because of this comment. Okay, i did it before this comment, okay.

Speaker 1:

I have added this bit at the end, where you know, because even in so, this is the first time I ever did this. This clip is the first time I ever did this joke right on stage, and At the end of it I go like and it was up to you, and it was up to you, that was just like in the moment, improvised. And then later I improvised and it was up to you, and the was up inside of me, sees, the what's up inside of you, which got a big laugh as well, and so that's what you do, you play with the joke, kind of see what tags, like you know, do well, and so it's so beautiful to me that people saw this tag and you know, kind of We mind melded. So I appreciate that, and it's also something I now use in the comments a lot. For people who are angry at me, i'll just say well, though was up inside of me, sees, it was up inside of you. So I love this comment.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna give it 10 out of 5. Prayer hand emojis Oh, nice, so nice nice nice.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna give it 5 out of 5 prayer hand emojis, because I don't think it's really appropriate to give more numbers than possible hmm, interesting Interesting.

Speaker 1:

What is that response? one below is that something?

Speaker 3:

funny. This is a response. It says the divine What's up.

Speaker 1:

Okay, all right, okay, that one's fine, i like, i like defining it. Well, that was kind of my. That was my response to I had a video that I responded. I was like, hey look, i Think the problem is is that you guys are not saying sup, yeah, enough Divinity with enough Gravitas, yeah, as you should. I think that that's. The problem is that you're offended by the words sup as if it's some flippin thing, but really it means what is up Omar, and What is up the celestial bodies, heavenly bodies, divinity, like all of the divine, is everywhere, yeah, and so really, when I'm saying sup, i'm saying I Reminding you like the divine is is all around.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely reminding you of your forthcoming ascension more reverence to what's up.

Speaker 3:

I think is really the takeaway of this. This, that's right.

Speaker 1:

That's right, all right. Well, you can play a lot of the positive ones. So here comes a nice juicy negative one Go ahead.

Speaker 3:

Oh, everyone buckle in. We got a paragraph.

Speaker 1:

We got a little paragraph here.

Speaker 3:

Nah, your explanation of Namaste being equivalent to what? to a what's up. It's just as lame as the white yoga instructor You made the butt of your joke. Namaste in the musker does not mean What's up, regardless of how your family chooses to use the term. You really shouldn't try to preach about a culture that you may know nothing about, despite of being born in an Indian family. Too many whitewashed Indians such as yourself are born and raised in the.

Speaker 3:

West with very little knowledge about their own culture, not saying don't make jokes about India or us fellow Indians, but at least to make an informed one, otherwise you end up sounding just as lame and pretentious To those of us who are born and raised in India.

Speaker 1:

Namaste, prayer hands, namaste prayer hands And Just checking real quick because I have this here.

Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm, what? And for those who are listening to the podcast, i want to be clear. This born and raised Indian goes by the name Schmuckster.

Speaker 1:

Because I don't think you're saying it right, schmuckster.

Speaker 3:

That's it, that's it.

Speaker 1:

That's it, schmuckster, that's like my pronunciation. Judge by someone who goes by snoo cheese buchi's I'd be like that hurts So much he drops in a must a with the white prayer hands. That's what I wanted to check there. Yeah, no again. I mean, look, I think I can't again. I just think that you're just devaluing the spirituality of what's up. Yes, and that's really a shame. That's really a shame. Schmuck.

Speaker 3:

The yoga instructors, not the butt of the joke. I do think that, as a comedian, that's a misallocation of focus.

Speaker 1:

Oh, Yeah, who do you think is the button to joke?

Speaker 3:

I think it's. I think it's all the folks saying Namaste to each other. I think it's not necessarily the instructor, it's the entire class participating in the reverence of the what's up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, okay, okay, yeah, cuz I mean I listen, i was taking aim at Celestia. I'm gonna be honest, i'll take her down. I Really it just honestly again just tickled me that I was used at the end of class. It's really all I was really trying to get get at. But but I think I should stop Trying to preach about my culture that I may, that I may know nothing about, despite being born in an Indian family. And I'm a whitewashed Indian. Yeah, i'm whitewashed and Raised in the West with very little knowledge about my own culture. I know this to be true because Schmuckster said so and that you know I Should not do this.

Speaker 3:

I really thought this comment was gonna end with. And you stay out too late And you drink whiskey and you smoke cigars like that real 1980s, like a Bollywood, poisoned yeah, and it was like dad, stop coming to my Instagram's.

Speaker 2:

I like that they close my fault.

Speaker 1:

You moved here to New Hampshire. It's not my fault. You did that And then taught me, or I just saw my friends and family using the must-have as a greeting instead of a Closing sentiment. It's not I, you know, but I think I said all I need to say.

Speaker 3:

Just read one last part. I'm not gonna even make a joke, i just want it like. This is coming in with all seriousness and it's just like hey, you're not Indian and yeah. Do you want to just read just one part with that in mind? Namaste, namaskar does not mean what's up Having to say that great

Speaker 3:

having to explain having to get someone to say that sentence. No, sir, i regret to inform you, it does not actually mean what's up? Actually if you are to go to the origin, you will see that what's up is was not invented until the broken lizard sketch when they were, when they were touring, sir, i think you will find.

Speaker 1:

Oh, wow, that's amazing. Yeah, good point, good point. Yeah, this is. It's funny because, like this I will say this there's a few Coconuts thought lob it, lobbed at me in this, if you, you know, whitewashed Indians, kind of the sentiment of like this, like anti ABCD, that's our show stance. Yeah, from from from some folks that I guess, like Schmuckster, consider themselves, you know, more true Indians and You know, it does it, does it does. It does hurt the heart a little bit.

Speaker 2:

You know you're like there is it.

Speaker 1:

It pings the imposter syndrome, feeling you know that, that I think some of us sort of I guess, by cultural Have you know, when we don't really quite feel like we fit in another place place. But this is what you know I. I expected you know some of this and I'm gonna just weather it because I think it's just more interesting to kind of dive into these murky waters and sort of Sort it out and try to feel it out and figure it out as to what all this stuff does mean to me, and hopefully other folks will be along for that ride. It's kind of well.

Speaker 3:

Understand you're taking a higher road. I understand that you are. I'm attempting to what's up yourself internally. Yeah, do you mind if I take, if I me from the gutter down here? take a shot real quick, please. Well means you do you are the least reliable folks when it comes to the origin of anything. Do you know how many emails I get on a daily basis of like. Did you actually know that Taj Mahal Invented the stars or something like? it's Like we like are constantly. Did you know benches originally from India like?

Speaker 1:

anything like. Space travel. No one is space travel. We originally right here.

Speaker 3:

We originally went. I don't think you know this. They won't say it and you're, like you know, first person land on the moon. Did you know new Armstrong, actually Indian look it up, look it up. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I'm Indian. He's a rishi from the Vedas.

Speaker 3:

And it's two blurry pictures next to each other and they go proof.

Speaker 1:

Yeah that's true. That's true. Good point, all right, thanks, gutter man, appreciate that.

Speaker 3:

Okay about this, but We do what you're reading.

Speaker 2:

We gotta rate it.

Speaker 1:

We gotta rate it.

Speaker 3:

Why don't you rate first you rate first, i'm gonna give this nine shmuksters at a 10 9, shmukster 10.

Speaker 1:

Oh so high. So like the more is make it's a pretty shmukstery, it's pretty shmukstery. Yeah, i'm gonna give this One broken coconut out of a thousand.

Speaker 3:

All right, all right, here we go. I Feel like saying what's up after my yoga class would be a much, would be much more entertaining.

Speaker 1:

So you know we got a lot of this. This is nice, you know. Like in part, that's what I was hoping for. Now I go to yoga class and at the end they say it like, all right, that's all. Just saying the musty together, you know, close the class right in the musty, never, whatever. I Giggle a little bit now because I think of them saying like let's all say what's up together And it's just that's what I hope a lot of people are like now. I can't not hear what's up at the end of my yoga class and That, to me, is success.

Speaker 3:

I think I've succeeded, you know like, no matter what Origins of something are, culture should not stay stagnant. You know, and as You know folks who are Asian American, is also our job to contribute to the Asian American culture. I feel like that's what you're doing and I feel like, if we can have one change, it's not. Here's the root origin of this. It's not like what's the unchangeable keystone, it's what can we change? and if we can have every yoga class from now on and on, what's up? because of you pulling us on deep?

Speaker 1:

I feel like we're even one yoga class. Frankly, i mean, if you hit that was That will guttural was up. That really resonates in the bulladara chakra right there And I think that's gonna, that's gonna get you good, it's gonna really do some. It's gonna do some aligning for you. I think I highly recommend. So I'm gonna give this. You know, i'm gonna, i'm gonna, i'm gonna give this seven owned cars out of ten.

Speaker 3:

Oh, That's really good. That's really good. I'm gonna give this Nine Milrose yoga class a half hour. Looking for parking sessions out of 11.

Speaker 1:

And if you get those last two, you get the 12th class free. And I'm just gonna shout out so that was from losing Hold on, that was from losing the lag me a. Lag me up, a Losing the lag me up, a Thank you. And then, down at the bottom of that, 1919, susie exo lances, which gets 1 million Happy, happy joy joys out of a million happy, happy, joy joys. Sandeep, your comedy tour when I am ready. So I just want to show you that as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean someday.

Speaker 1:

I hope someday. Hope someday come out of this. All right, i.

Speaker 3:

Next, here we go. Maybe last is this the last?

Speaker 2:

one, i think I have one more after this.

Speaker 1:

Okay, all right, one more option.

Speaker 3:

All right, here We go. Hmm, i don't have any good joke in my head. Hmm, i don't have any good joke in my head. Let me ridicule Indian culture.

Speaker 2:

That's you, so that's supposed to be you that, by the way.

Speaker 1:

This is my internal.

Speaker 3:

I got it in case you didn't get it, in case you thought that that was the person is actually you. Everyone in India means certain reverence when you say Namaste. Those who haven't experienced the profoundness of it Don't hesitate to ridicule Indian culture. All caps there. Just holding Namaste and just holding Namaskar and saying it can bring a lot of tranquility in you. Just do it and see and say what's up And do you feel the same? silly trends come and go. Don't distort the life transforming methods and tools. Be responsible when you make jokes.

Speaker 1:

Be responsible when you make jokes. Yeah, yeah, again This sort of in the same theme, of devaluing the spirituality of this right, yeah, and I'm Chuck This person very upset. Maybe you should hold Namaste, namaskar, and bring a lot of tranquility to themselves. I think That's the thing. Before commenting, before commenting, hold Namaste and Say it and bring a lot of tranquility to self, as it should be my response to this the energy of stop hitting yourself In a comet really is Yeah, it is a hundred percent.

Speaker 3:

like hey idiot, Have you ever thought about maybe being tranquil?

Speaker 1:

huh You, yeah it's just funny, like it's so funny to say it's like the whole stand. It's just interesting to Say that like this, that like the angle of this joke was to ridicule Indian culture, because that was a lot of people commented about. Like you are making fun of Indian culture and I felt like the target Was not Indian culture, like, very obviously it's. You know, it's like. It's like. It's like finding a way to be offended by something when, like you, were Never the target of the joke at all. Like I understand Celestia being upset and being like dude. The actual derivation of Namaste is this like, like, like it is this and you know It is fair game for me to use as a band in my class, like I would prefer that defense. Then someone coming from out of left field being like you know what I would offense me about. This is, yeah, this other random Kind of take on. I don't know it's uh, it's interesting people. People will find a way to be upset.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, i will say. This person set themselves up for failure because they were like run this test, hold them up and see how it makes you feel now Hold the test. Let me run the test really quickly I.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I feel centered. I really do, i feel. I feel centered, i feel tranquil.

Speaker 1:

I feel tranquil, and I hope that the was up lives long inside of you.

Speaker 3:

Um, so I'm gonna give this one um 17 sighing emojis um out of 27.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm gonna give it um four eye rolls out of out of eight.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, all right, and we've got one last one here lots of people using the word we got to retire.

Speaker 3:

Uh, here we go. Um, let's see here, this one's from you, right, yep, all right, so, uh, and really quickly. Because, uh, what I'm thinking is are we going to get rid of namaste? Are we gonna replace it with what's up on the show?

Speaker 1:

Oh, is that our this versus that? that's what I'm asking here.

Speaker 3:

That's what I'm asking here because I think that might alleviate a lot of these comments for you, santi, just to just get rid of the word entirely. Yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Um, okay, here we go. Let me quickly read this comment.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, i don't think I can do that to my, to my, to my bottom Water you?

Speaker 3:

can't? Uh, okay, let's read. This is this one's from our good friend santi. Appear ready. Is it lame that I liked myself for the 13th thousandth time? Oh wait, no, uh, like we said for the 13th hundredth like. So you rounded yourself out there.

Speaker 1:

I sure did. I saw 1299 and I just couldn't hack it and so I play. But maybe the saving grace is if I comment and say like look, i know I did this, i don't feel good about it and Is this lame? I just wanted to know if it was lame, that's so funny until I'm asking you omar and I'm asking chat. Is it lame that I liked myself on my video to run myself out? now This is even before it really kind of took off. This was like.

Speaker 3:

Uh, so you know how like people in comments usually say first Yeah, 1300th.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, pretty much. Yeah, i was that guy.

Speaker 3:

I will put in well, we'll wait. Why do?

Speaker 1:

they give you the ability? Why do they give you the ability to like yourself? Why is that even an option In any of the you know what I'm saying like why that's that's easily programmable.

Speaker 3:

To give yourself that boost, to give yourself that little um. It's what you need. Hey, there's something.

Speaker 1:

So if you're gonna give me the option, i have to use it wisely. I gotta use it in a good spot and I feel like getting a round number or getting to 69 is probably a good spot.

Speaker 3:

Yes, right, yeah, yeah, i mean, it's just. I mean also, numbers play a very important role in our culture. I don't know if you know this on deep, so let me go ahead and just tell you, because I think that you guys wouldn't know. But, yeah, numbers are very important. So, um, yeah, i'm saying it's great that you did it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, all right, that's my vote. great, and how do you rate the, the comment then?

Speaker 3:

Um, i'm gonna give you 1200. Uh, i'm gonna give you 1299 Out of 1300 so you can be the one to put in that final vote, and I'm gonna like, and I'm gonna go ahead and like, i'm gonna give myself the one out of the last 1300 there To round it out.

Speaker 1:

That's perfect And that that's that ends our We oops. We read the comments and then comments on them. Section of the podcast. Thank you so much. Beautiful, and your internet's doing a lot better. I'll say that your internet's real sexy right now.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, i thought that, uh, i hopped off the five, the five gigahertz there. So, uh, that's all it's nice, um, yeah. So, folks, we're gonna try to make this a weekly segment. All Sunday needs to do is go viral every week on a unique post.

Speaker 1:

So I'm also in your car, okay, great. I hope they like me crying at an airport For of content, because that's what it will be tomorrow.

Speaker 3:

Well, it's been a hell of a week for you, so why don't we take the spotlight away and put it on our daisy of the week? Here we go. This week, our daisy of the week is dr buggot sing thin. Yes, right there.

Speaker 1:

Tind. I looked up his last his name It's a. It's one of those aspirated teas, tinda, tinda.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yes, incredible, really interesting figure in history. I'm very curious, uh folks in chat or, you know, when you're listening to this later, for the folks enjoying the podcast and it's up, do did you know about, uh, the stock before we get into it? Was it something you learned about before? Is this an individual that has come up to you before? Please let us know because I'd be very curious. Uh, we don't teach a lot of, uh, south asian And south asian american history in general. Um, we don't have a lot of historical figures that can point to you. So i'm really glad that this week we get to kind of focus on the doctor, but i'll let you take it up, sendy.

Speaker 1:

I was just gonna say. So the reason why we focused on on doc buggot sing tind is because, um, you know, in talking about sort of uh you know, racism, or whether we're Indian enough or whether we're american enough, and kind of, you know, toeing this line, it was, i think, important for us to highlight somebody who kind of broke through a lot of barriers, yeah, um, and dealing with uh racism, in in to a land that he uh immigrated to, um and also fought for that land. So what's what's interesting about him? right, he was one of the first uh Asian Indian soldiers and the first turban sick to serve in the united states army. During the first world war, uh uh tinn came to the us. He came here for higher education to become a spiritual teacher and a scholar And then, when America entered the war, he enlisted with the United States Army when the country entered the war in 1917.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah. And afterwards, following his service in the military, dr Tind attempted to gain US citizenship. Asian Indians were considered Caucasian at the time and many of them obtained naturalization. Dr Tind gained naturalization in 1920 through the US District Court of Oregon. However, the Bureau of Naturalization appealed his naturalization on the grounds that he was not quote unquote white.

Speaker 1:

So, like that's insane, like that's amazing, like right there, like they appealed outwardly in 1920, 100 years ago, on the grounds just on the grounds that he ain't white enough. Yes, like he's just that white, like that's amazing to me. And did he accept?

Speaker 3:

it, did he go like good point, good point.

Speaker 1:

He's like oh shit, i didn't see that one coming. I forgot some ancient boundaries. It's like I'll wait. I guess He did fight the appeal. Actually, he did fight the appeal And his case actually reached the US Supreme Court And in 1923, the case Buggett-Sing versus the United States the Supreme Court ruled This is amazing, you guys. The common man's definition of white did not correspond to Caucasian. Therefore he couldn't apply for naturalization. Okay, never mind, i'm sorry. He lost the Supreme Court fight And then but I guess some years later it doesn't really I'm sure we could dig in a little deeper, but he did finally obtain US citizenship in 1936 in the state of New York. So obviously different states, states with different Supreme Courts.

Speaker 3:

I guess he was able to kind of find a way in, yeah, But the thing that like what's important, and I think it's like it's tricky because it's like, oh, we lost is that when you put forth a legal case you set, depending on you know, the conclusion of a court you set a legal precedent right, and so, by bringing this case to light and taking it all the way to the Supreme Court, dr Tind set the legal precedent for then lawyers and civil rights activists and citizenship lawyers to use to open up the naturalization process for our people Not just our folks, but just people across the board.

Speaker 3:

By pointing to this and being like do you see how flimsy this is?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because eventually, when you're like when you yeah, exactly when you're, when you're lifting Jim, you know, or going back on Jim Crow laws and other stuff like that, you're eventually going coming to the cases like this and you're going like, well, this clearly can't pass any of the equality tests here. So you know, that's when precedent, you know, gets reversed, i suppose. So he's, he's, you know, interesting guy. Throughout his life He published and lectured on the subjects of metaphysics, spirituality and religion. I bet he's super fun to do shrooms with. Dr Bugat Singh Tind was a pioneer in being one of the first Asian Indians and first urban sick to serve in the US Army and then leading that fight for citizenship for Asian Indians And as such he is our DC of the week. So that that is our show, as always.

Speaker 1:

If you want to see our lovely faces and our VOD and all the other ways that you can hang out with us, all that's information is in the show notes. Please rate and comment. That really does help, especially if you're on Apple. Please drop a review and the rating on there. Give us, you know, seven out of six brown rainbows, please. We really appreciate that.

Speaker 1:

If you have other feedback you can. You could actually email us at ABCD podcast show at Gmail, or hit up our F and funny discord. Quick shout out to our sponsors. They sequester. Check that out. Go to the sequestercom. That's our TPG. That's going to be premiering at the end of the summer. We hope figures crossed. You're in post production now, so please go to the sequestercom to sign up for that mailing list and we'll give you up to minute news about the show. And I don't have my guitar with me, so I'm just going to have to acapella this baby. So, omar, drop me that beat, yes, yeah. The last people that I'd like to thank are the patriarchs who put money into our bag, which include Joshua O'Ryan, toby M, carlo Woozak, benjamin Lowe and Brenda Pace and Hunter P Brown, peter Toy 47, grant Holland, jervaden Mackalong.

Speaker 1:

Amazing, amazing I was trying to get into that whisper rap at the end. You know that whisper rap That was incredible.

Speaker 3:

That we have a. We've preserved that. We're going to get to the label later today. Yeah for sure.

Speaker 1:

Make that your ringtone. Bye Diego.

Speaker 3:

And now the show's technical director, sound designer and person watching over my internet from now on is Delvin Neville. The show's executive producers are Sandeep Parikh and Anand Shah. This is edited by Sean Meager. Our music is by Harshal Sista Dai Jasveer Singh.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to help you on that.

Speaker 3:

Zebari pardon.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to help you on those names, because it's the first time you're reading them. Thank you. It's Harshal, it's Harshal. It's Asodia.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, Harshal.

Speaker 1:

Jasveer Singh and my cousin, my cousin, cousin, cousin, what? Moloch Zivari, yeah, yeah, he's a world-class double player, and don't believe that I didn't hear that. He was a world-class double player every day that I was, you know, through every day of puberty of my entire life. All right, this has been an effing funny production On behalf of our host. Our host, and I guess we didn't have a win-loss on this, so I guess you would just retain the crown for next time. Our host, omar Najam. I've been co-host Sundi Parikh. We are off. We're going to do something a little different. We're going to have an interview next week.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, omar, we're going to have an interview next week.

Speaker 1:

We won't announce. yet We're not ready to announce. We won't announce.

Speaker 3:

yet We'll do a little surprise. Yeah, we'll do a big reveal. It's a surprise special guest.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be Omar. I'm going to be traveling, so I'm going to be out, but Omar is going to interview someone who's super great. You're going to love it. So until then, may your chakras be aligned and smothered in chutney.

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